Jeju Island Symposium
Dinner and Program
Special Guest: Ann Wright
Friday March 30th,
Redwood Gardens
2951 Derby St
Where in the world is Jeju
What is Jeju
How does Jeju
Island impact our U.S. of
A. lives?
Why should we in the U.S. of A. be concerned about Jeju Island?
Come find out about the people who live on this incredible part of
the earth and their five year fight not just to save their lives and their
island, but to make our world really a safe, beautiful place.
The awesome Ann Wright recently visited Jeju Island
and will let us know first hand what she experienced there.
Stephania will present a PowerPoint presentation about Jeju Island,
and Marie will give us a historical timeline of the brave people of that Island.
Please bring a dish to share – organic & vegetarian if you are
able! Or just BE THERE! 6:30pm, March 30th, Friday, Redwood Gardens, 2951 Derby St, Berkeley
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