Last month when on route to
womyn’s land in Vermont, I stopped at the Keene YMCA to work out. My ‘normal’
routine is running on the treadmill for a half hour keeping my heart rate above
120, stretching, and swimming if there’s a pool with lap swim lanes and I can
convince myself to get into the water!
When I returned to my truck,
which was strategically parked by the front door, I noticed an older white man
staring at the “End White & Male War against Black, Brown, Muslim, Native, Asian,
Immigrants, Womyn, Mother Earth” back of my truck. I approach cautiously – this
is New England – but positively, greeting him with a broad smile and a “how do
you like it?”
He is very enthusiastic
himself and asks me if he can post the pics he’s already taken to the internet.
I encourage him to do so. And I ask him about what folks are busy doing here in
New Hampshire. He identifies the furor over separating babies from parents at
the border as directing most of the present-day actions in Keene.
I tell him about my book and
ask if he’ll set a reading up for me here. He then tells me about the Monadnock
Progressive Alliance and promises to connect us – which he did a few days
So today I’ve returned to
Keene in order to gather with about 15 or so of the mostly white, one brown man
awesome activists of the Monadnock Progressive Alliance (MPA) where I’m told
that Keene is the Austin of New Hampshire, and I’ve heard that Austin is the
Berkeley of Texas. Hmmm.
We sit together around four
large tables as we share food, past and current actions as well as future
plans. Plus I get to do a shortened version of my reading!
“Get Out the Vote” (GOTV) is
primary on the extensive list of work they are doing. But “Get Out the Vote”
must not be the end – it sounds so final, doesn’t it? I think we need to add
something to that slogan like “GOTV AND Follow Thru: Keep the Vote True” or
something that indicates we’re not done by voting but we’re beginning by voting,
merely beginning. It’s like the plug slipping out from a mother-to-be’s vagina,
just the easy beginning, signifying the real work is about to start.
I remember Obama, during his
first few weeks in office, stated that he needed to look out the white house windows
and see the people present holding signs and having his back. But instead, we
GOTV, elected a Black man, and then went back to our lives-as-usual counting on
him to do our work fixing our country.
Activists working to save our
environment were also strongly present and several upcoming dates for
conferences and actions were shared. (See the MPA website
and/or facebook page).
Immigration and ending the
separation of children from their parents is also a driving force for MPA. So I
had a further opportunity to exemplify the point in my book that states most of
us, especially white people, do not know our real history nor how it continues
We can use the shock of some
folks in our country when witnessing this cruel practice to uncover our real
history, as this separating of children from parents of color has been
practiced since white men invaded this land: grabbing children from mothers and
community who had the nerve to survive genocide, and sending them far away off
to “indian schools” when they were a mere 5 years old; and the practice during
slavery of selling babies and children to be enslaved far away from their
enslaved parents.
And how presently, even before
we learned of the mass detaining of immigrant children in facilities far away
from their mothers and fathers, this practice of the snatching of children and
imprisonment of youth has been institutionalized in our country in the form of
juvenile detention ‘centers’ or ‘halls’, ‘juvie’ prisons, once again
disproportionately impacting Black and brown families; not to mention the
placing of children in foster homes, the majority of Native children being
placed in white homes. And now we’re hearing stories of brown babies that have
been stolen from immigrant mothers and placed again into white homes.
I was able to conclude with
the Salmon Sacrifice story and how when we act for justice and survival of life
on Mother Earth, we are not really ‘sacrificing’ but are gaining our humanity.
Everyone trudged out to the
food co-op’s parking lot, where my truck was parked, to take group photos. Plus
I sold a few books!
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