What are you willing to (continue to) do
in order to have clean air fit to breathe?
As we witness the unintended c.v.19
consequence of making our air breathable, of wild animals thriving, of fish
becoming visible in waters clearing, of stunning views of the Himalayan
mountains from 100 miles away, and now as we begin to ‘re’open our grubby
money-making abilities, I want to ask you: “What are you willing to do to
ensure we have clean air to breathe?”
What are you willing to do to allow life
to be sustained on our planet? We know – thank you to our governments’ response
to the c.v. threat – what we HAVE to
do, we’ve witnessed what NEEDS to be
done at least to begin the sustaining of life.
Before c.v. 19 we knew what we capitalist
humans were doing to destroy our air, to pollute our water, to decimate our
forests, to rape Mother Earth, to kill life on our planet. And we didn’t care –
as long as we were making money, as long as we could purchase the things we’ve
deemed not just necessary but imperative for our lives. We didn’t care our food
was laced with pesticides, our soils decimated by herbicides, our waters
heavily sullied with plastics and chemicals. We didn’t care that humans around
the world didn’t have enough to eat because we have seized more than enough,
that some didn’t have a home while the rest of us have more than one home or at
least more than one empty room – at least we did not care enough to do the
simple but radical things to change our lives in order to end our wanton
destruction of life.
Before c.v. 19 we knew we were rapidly ending
life on Mother Earth but we told ourselves we couldn’t change so quickly, it
was impossible to end our destructive practices so quickly, that we needed time
to make changes. Or we told ourselves we were powerless to change, to impact
our government, to control our corporations.
We told ourselves it wasn’t our
pursuit of the amerikkkan nitemare fault, it was the fault of the sheer number of
humans on the planet, their fault, those 2/3’s of humans on the planet that
survive on less than $2 a day.
But now we know, we have clear evidence
right before our very own eyes. We don’t have to depend on main stream or alternative
or social media: we can see our skylines, we can see our mountains, we can see
our animals, birds, insects.
What are you willing to do to make sure
we continue at the very least, and expand this sacred practice of protecting
life on our planet?
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