Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What we (don't) have to put up with now - what Christine D has to say...

 So this is what lesbians and womyn have to put up with. I recently posted about a documentary called "Gender Ideology" by a group called State News. 

Before I tell you what I said, I need to tell you this: this is a LESBIAN listserve that has been around probably as long as the internet's been accessible.

So this is what I said:

I took the time to watch this and I think everyone needs to watch this documentary and spread it wide and far.

Even though I would have made it differently, and even though I believe I'm well-informed, I deeply appreciated the care and fact-finding that went into it AND I learned so much. Like for instance the drug they are giving our children to block puberty is the same drug they used to chemically castrate gay men in the 50's. Also that intersex people do not have 'both' sexes but have medical genetic or chromosomal conditions within their sex.
We are on the swing back to sanity from peak trans agenda but there is the real threat of misogyny and homophobia (re)surfacing in even more violent and insidious ways.
p.s. If anyone wants to do a consciousness raising/critical thinking (remember when these used to be the underpinning of feminism back in the day?) zoom gathering around this, let's do it!

Here's the link:

So Christine D posts:

Who thinks that is what intersex means? Intersex conditions are not just chromosomal conditions. Intersex includes everything from atypical genitalia to puberty that does not match the diagnostically "normal" experience of binary sex identified at birth. I see your transphobia has spread to include hate toward the intersex community.  Fuck off with your hate-filled documentary. 

So Christine claims the intersex womon I'm quoting has her facts wrong. That now intersex is also, like sex, an "identity" and a mistaken identity that is 'assigned' at birth. She goes on to claim that I'm "transphobic" even though I'm quoting an intersex person.

So Christine is adding what an adult intersex person shares about the biological condition of intersex to that ever-growing "transphobic" crimes list and once again, biological facts are hate towards the intersex community.

Christine goes a step further and calls the documentary "hate-filled" - and unfortunately she's not talking about the scenes filmed of trans activists hating on womyn and lesbians. Other than that, I thought it was "research-filled", but any research that contradicts the trans agenda has been added to the "hate" category as well.

It is way too much to think it might be in the "truth" category but how about a "different point of view" category? This is way way way too much, because then there might be the opportunity for dialogue, critical thinking, or at the very least a questioning of the trans paradigm - currently not allowed.

So I respond to Christine:

Are you arguing with an intersex person, telling her what her condition is, defining for her what intersex is, contradicting her medical diagnosis? 

Does this sound familiar to you? 

Men try to do this constantly to womyn. Recently when I attempted to set up a reading, an old strate white man who had the authority to make this happen, told me through an email that I had to agree with him that men can be women or I wouldn't be allowed to read. Because they were trying to be "inclusive".

So once again "inclusivity" means including everyone but womyn like me.

I'm going to dedicate one entry for each person's response(s) so it doesn't get so lengthy and confusing.


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