Journey For Justice Dec 4th, Day 4: the gun challenge
Instead, they are saying they have to give men that power over us, over our children's lives, over the lives of womyn in homes where men who are violent act on their right to kill another human being.
How can anyone claim to be a fuckin christian and NOT demand that guns be eliminated?
So instead the parents of slaughtered children are begging the government to raise the age limit from 17 to 21 for ak or ar or a whatever military-grade rifles manufactured to kill as many people in 10 seconds as possible.
Really? Fuckin REALLY?
Do you think you'll feel better if your child is murdered by a 21 year old spraying bullets into a classroom than a 17 year old?
And then there are those who want to ban only those ar's or ak's or a whatevers and not machine guns or rapid fire hand guns. And I ask them again so will you feel better if your child is murdered by a 21+ year emptying his guns into a classroom as long as he doesn't have the a rifles?
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