OMG it is sooooo
hot, water is streaming down my forehead blinding me, dripping off my chin and
rolling down my neck; my breasts are sopping wet, rivulets of sweat are
cascading down my back and sides, and I’m having a hard time breathing deeply.
Even my legs are shvitzing water. I’ve
swept up the long side of my hair and it is sticking to my scalp off my neck
without one bobby pin or barrette – just wet sweat holding it in place.
It’s fuckin 8:30pm, the sun is going down, and it’s still
hot as hell. And the fucking rest stops here on I91 in connecticut and
massachusetts close the bathrooms, sometimes at 3:30pm until 8:30a.m. – ufb –
it makes me wanna shit on the sidewalk in front of the door and smear it all
over the windows.
I’m sooooooo happy to be an sf bay arean oaklander/berkeleyan
– I’d MUCH rather bundle up than find a way to cool off, using fossil fuels of
I can’t run my fan as my solar is crashing on me – I
can’t keep my fridge going all nite so I’ve been buying ice and sticking it in
the fridge so my food doesn’t spoil.
I’m terribly sad to leave the wonderful, powerhouse womyn
of Bloodroot and the magical connection with them and all the womyn who’ve
stopped by these past few hours. I sold three books and received a hefty donation
for fuel besides a birthday treat of the most delicious decadent dark chocolate
cake! After a scrumptious vegan brunch gifted my by the owners!
41 years they’ve been this powerhouse of feminism, paving
the way, building community, role modeling by example how to combine love,
empowerment, business into creating the feminist model of making money and
providing healthy, vegan food.
And they've recently successfully survived a transdomination attack for declaring their preference for gathering with lesbians...
Bloodroot in Bridgeport - delicious vegan food, dynamite feminists, magick space!
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