My dear daughter has sent me my last box of 25 books from
Atlanta to Des Moines, where I will be reading this evening at a picnic in the
park with a wonderful lesbian group.
I enter the tiny cargo office in a low red brick building
where there’s a heavily bearded white male behind the counter staring intently
at a computer and next to me another white male, balding and casually dressed
but on the well-groomed side attempting to mail a small cage with a little
$2000 dog (I learn later) to Birmingham.
He kinda glares at me and points out my “Death to Racism”
and asks why? I respond with my normal “what would you like to happen to
racism?” question and we’re off on a 45 minute discussion while I’m acutely
aware I failed to turn down my veggie oil but sacrifice my glo plugs in favor
of continuing our conversation.
He tells me he doesn’t think racism exists anymore. I
tell him that’s because he’s white and male so of course he doesn’t want to
think racism still exists.
When I’ve convinced him that racism exists, he asks me
what I think we can do about it. I tell him I don’t think that’s the right
question, as there are millions of things we “can” do about it. I think the
question for him and all white people is what do we “want” to do about it? Once
we decide we WANT to do something about racism, we’ll be able to listen up,
speak up, act up.
I tell him he and most white people want to see the
racist as the KKK’r or the nazi, when really all white people have benefited
and continue to benefit from racism. It’s a legacy on our backs, as misogyny is
a legacy on the backs of men.
I talk about my book, and how I break down these myths
and lies and legacies.
Tom, he later tells me, is a christian who home schools
his 7 children, is fiercely anti-war and thinks the military is the number one
scourge of our nation. So we have huge common ground.
He starts to tell there’s a clear and concise formula in
this country that allz people have to is to follow the formula and they will make it. I stop him right there and
challenge his formula theory as a myth and propaganda so he and white people
will not see the racism and sexism driving that formula.
I site some statistics like for every $100 white people
have, a Black person has $8. He listens, absorbing the details, and then points
to Obama as an example of what happens when you follow the ‘formula’. “What
about him?” he inquires. I tell him the system allows for one or two oppressed
people to slip thru so that white people like us can point to him and say “Oh
he made it, so can you!”
I tell him he wants to believe we all start out on a
level playing field – another great myth of u.s.ofa. democracy. I tell him that
even before a Black child is born, she is 8 times more likely to die in childbirth alone than a
white child. Black and white children tend to begin kindergarten with the same
academic abilities but by 2nd grade, Black children have already
fallen behind – not because they’re stupid, less intelligent but because of teacher perception and how schools are funded in our country: by property taxes.
So then we get into who lends money to Black people to
buy homes, redlining, and how Black womyn pay the highest mortgage rates in the
He leans toward me, lowering his voice, to tell me
conspiratorially he hires Mexicans to work in his business. He invites “them”
into his home, takes “them” out to a meal on occasion, he teaches them English
on occasion as well.
I think he’s telling me that to take the racism out of
his next statements.
Tom asks me if I thought Obama’s immigration policy is
better than tRump’s. I say “You mean putting refugees from u.s. military
aggression and horrific foreign policy fleeing to this country into jail and
taking their children from them to be incarcerated into another jail states
He tries to tell me that’s only happened to 24 children.
I know he sees the challenge on my face but I merely ask him “If that was your
children, or even one of your 7 children, taken from you and put into a jail
somewhere, would you think 24 is an ‘only’ anything?”
I state unequivocally that putting refugees into jail is
criminal and should NEVER happen.
Of course he then has to launch into the murder by one of
those refugees Obama let in the country, of a beautiful, young white womon who
went jogging over a month ago and disappeared, according to her white boyfriend who
reported her missing, never returning from her jog.
I know exactly what he was talking about. Just a couple
days ago, a Hispanic man confessed to the murder – a murder he doesn’t remember
clearly but thinks he must have done. He’s a immigrant who has been in Iowa for
four years allegedly. So this murder and his arrest have given the racist
anti-immigrant faction in Iowa and probably around the country, lots of
kindling for their burning hatred.
Instead of defending Obama’s immigration policy I ask him
about the fact that from January 2018 until July 2018, 154 mass murders have
been committed in this country: not ONE by a womon; nor ONE by a man of color;
but ALL by white men.
The young bearded white man turns his hard eyes from the
computer screen and interrupts us: “See,” he near shouts, “you are being
racist, you are stirring up hatred against white people. People are just people
and you are dividing us.”
I try to say if “people are people” how come the race and
immigration status is coming into play with this recent murder? Which might turn
out to be someone brown railroaded for this crime.
He is adamant in his ‘proof’ that I’m a racist, stirring
up racism so I return my attention to Tom as I say the truth hurts, and ask him how come he doesn’t feel
the same hatred toward all white men who have committed so many more crimes and
promote the incarceration of white men?
Of course, he’s not going to do this. Instead he asks me
what I mean by ‘mass’ murders. I tell him it’s when at least either three or
four (I can’t remember exactly) people are killed at the same time by the same
murderer. And I tell him over 70% of those murdered are womyn and children the
murderer claimed to have loved: i.e. ‘domestic’ violence (I hate that ‘softening’
of male violence as well). He nods slowly.
The bearded white man behind the counter asks me
impatiently why I am there. He grabs the paperwork and shoves the box across
the country just at the same time Tom is asking “but what do you think I can do
about all this?”
And I have the perfect opportunity to urge him to buy my
book. I take the box outside before I’m ordered out of the place and open it in
my truck.
Tom comes outside still carrying his cage with the tiny
expensive fluffy white dog cowering in a corner, and says he wants to buy my
I tell him it’s $20 if he can afford it, or whatever he
can afford. He pulls out a wad of bills bigger than a 2nd Ave Deli
pastrami sandwich and starts riffling thru the 20 dollar bills. He finally
reaches a bill he’s satisfied with and pulls out a hundred dollar bill to hand
me. I’m thinking there’s no way he wants change after all those 20’s which he
confirms: he wants to pay $100 for my book.
I’m delighted, to say the least, as I stick it quickly
into my pocket, asking him to let me know what he thinks of my book when he
assures me he’s going to read it immediately.
Standing on the hot pavement between our vehicles he
tells me he’s a former meth and heroin addict who was saved by jesus christ.
Then he starts, mildly but there anyway, urging me to accept jesus into my
heart and god the creator.
I tell him with great sincerity I’m so happy for him that
he was able to kick the drug habit, thinking of all the grown children of my
chosen sistars who have not been able to kick this habit. I know he believes
god came down, spoke to him, and entered him. Who am I to deny that in any way.
But who I am is someone who has escaped such addiction
and doesn’t need this crutch in my life and so when he hugs me and bestows his
blessing upon me asking his god to bless me and to reveal his love to me,
keeping me safe as I travel, I have to bestow my own blessing on him, telling
him may lesbians bless him and bring our magick close to his journey through
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