I'm kinda TIRED of the horrified hand-over-the heart-while-stating-as-if-fact "we can't disrupt our lives" whine while we benefit off the disruption of the lives of others. Our u.s.ofa. lives are SOOOOOOOO important and necessary to our 'survival' - i.e. the survival of our lifeSTYLE - we can't begin to consider 'sacrificing' that lifeSTYLE in order to end the u.s.ofa. disruption of the lives of others: i.e. those less deserving of this lifestyle here in this country while their less-deserving entire lives face DESTRUCTION let alone disruption.
Then when those who have no choice whether to disrupt their lives or not, when they escape our bombs, our weapons placed into the hands of men we've trained how to kill their neighbor, our corporations land and resource grab, then when they walk or bus or train or stumble through unimaginable hardship and danger, when they finally arrive at our borders believing the welcomed "huddled masses yearning to breathe free" propaganda, they get put in jail, their children get taken from them, disappeared, incarcerated INFUCKINCARCERATED!
And when I say those of us who see the horror and terror in this, those of us who are compelled to act, we need to be at every single 'detention' prison, every border, every ICE or INS or border patrol office or station or headquarters - and committed to STAY THERE until this policy of snatching children from their mothers and of incarcerating asylum seekers has been demolished and all the money for those horrific cruel agencies put into providing for the needs of these 'disrupted' human beings.
When I say a protest, a march, a caravan is a BEGINNING - an awesome beginning, but a mere beginning - I'm told I can't expect 'us' to 'disrupt' our own lives....
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