What we (don't) have to put up with - what Toni Fitzpatrick has to say
So this is how Toni (in green) responds to the information I'm passing along about puberty blockers - that it is the same drug used to castrate gay men during the 50's. THIS is what we're allowing doctors to give our children.
Toni says:
Do you actually have trans children? Any children? Trans children receiving hormone treatment to help their bodies conform to their experienced gender are the concern of their parents and doctors - not judgmental transphobes.
So once again, I am a judgmental transphobe because I'm making public this fact about puberty blockers.
In addition, Toni is saying I not only have to be a parent but a parent of a trans child or these children are not my "concern". Really? Because a big part of being female is valuing and providing the protection and caring for life, all life.
So I ask Toni:
Have you had ANY children? It's ok with you to condemn a child to sterilization, sexual impotency, & a dependency on drugs for the rest of her life?
Toni responds:
Yes! I have a child. And I have MANY lesbian friends with trans children. And the choices they make are none of your business! You have no idea how difficult and painful the choices are! And you have no business judging anyone! If your choice is - my child takes hormones and has a body they can relate to but they can’t have biological children, or my child doesn’t take hormones and can have biological children but has a much higher risk of SUICIDE, what do you choose? Mind your own business! You don’t have half a clue. And you also don’t have any children!
So I now know that Toni has a child - and many lesbian friends, and not only just lesbian friends but lesbian friends with trans children.
This makes me believe that Toni might not be a lesbian at all, nor even a womon. When I, a lesbian, post on a lesbian list I would be inclined to say that I have friends (the lesbian understood) and maybe some who are strate. Instead Toni has to qualify his/her position by pointing out the pointing out the lesbian friends. Reminds me of when white people claim they aren't racist because they have a Black friend(s).
So Toni goes on to attempt to separate me from my own lesbian community saying it's none of my business. Right.
Then Toni knows that I have no idea how difficult and painful the choices are. Are you fuckin kidding me? Did I say I'm old? I came out over 40 years ago? I don't know about difficult and painful 'choices'?
Now it gets a little more interesting. Remember I put out a scientific fact and asked a question. "Judgemental" is another one of those words thrown at people to shame and silence them, like "transphobic" and "exclusive".
The problem is IF one is making "judgments" based on stereotypes or prejudices or hate, then there is an issue. But if one is making judgments on facts, reality, experience - like knowing a stove is hot therefore judging all stoves are hot - this is an essential part of life.
So hell yes I'm making a judgment - both about the information the parent has access to, been able to explore, and about the fuckin 'choice' itself.
Then Toni goes on to parrot what so tragically will probably be the future common mantra of those vulnerable parents coerced/manipulated/rushed into accepting this horrific "therapy" for their even more vulnerable children. This documentary concurs with what Toni is saying: puberty blockers are sold to parents as the life sustaining answer to the probable alternative: your child's suicide.
It is also interesting that Toni states unequivocally that I do not have any children. Toni asks what I'm sure he/she thinks is a hypothetical question for me "what would I do?" as if the parents of "trans" children are the only parents that face such extreme "choices" in life.
So this is what I wrote back to Toni:
You know Toni - I am a mother, goddessmother, and grandmother. You and I should be dear and treasured allies if not more.
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