"Kids Like Ours"
I retorted:
Kids like ours deserve to not have puberty unnaturally medicalized.
Adults can do whatever the hell they want to do to their healthy bodies; children need to be helped through the natural process of puberty and not prevented from maturing.
A hell of a lot more things happen in every body during puberty than ‘just’ developing female or male genitals.
Preventing the medical establishment from making innocent children - who are not mature enough to drink or drive let alone decide to make these permanent, body-altering, life-changing decisions - chemically and surgically dependent on that establishment (who by the way is making millions and soon billions off our children) is NOT anti-trans as that powerful white male lobby would have us swallow but is embracing our adult responsibilities of loving and protecting our children deeply and completely enough to allow them to experience natural maturity and growth.
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