Quarter page info sheet: "Feminism in the age of misogyny" one side; "All Things Feminist" other side
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Here's the first one:
Feminism in this age of misogyny
Do you know that women who are merely raising our voices about something that is wrong are getting attacked? Women who are merely stating biological fact, like only women have cervixes, only women menstruate, only women breast feed, get pregnant are subjected to rampant deplatforming?
Why are women’s concerns about safety and rights to public life at first dismissed, then silenced, ridiculed, and way too often physically attacked?
Simply by stating physical facts and asserting our rights to be comfortable and safe on social media, in public spaces, at events, and yes even in bathrooms, women are being targeted by a certain segment of the transgender domination community and their minions.
Assaults on women attempting to gather in public spaces and/or simply expressing ourselves on social media, abuse twitter, etc., allows, include things like name-calling, threats, and misogynist/racist hatred like:
“Suck my cock” “B-word” “N-word” “Fuck You” “Bigot” “Transphobe”
Doxing; Stalking; Threats of Rape & Death
Shut down; Censored; Silenced; Canceled
Resources: www.
All things feminist
One of the basic, fundamental, rudimentary imperatives of feminism from the very beginning, pre-transagenda is “Change Society NOT Your Body”
Why are we telling girls they have to see boys as girls or else there’s something wrong with her?
As a class, for centuries and still, women are viewed as sex objects for and by men along with our other intended ‘social role’ as baby maker.
All womyn around the world and in the u.s.ofa. are still subjected to female sex class oppression such as but not limited to: child marriage, genital mutilation, forced marriage, lack of access to birth control and abortion to control women’s sexuality), a pay gap, period shaming; body parts shaming, sex trafficking; targets of male violence and domination.
Allowing men into women’s spaces deeply misogynist and too often dangerous for women and girls and cost women access to education, scholarship, opportunities recently fought for and secured, in order to coddle the feelings of men
"If we don't fight together, they'll kill us separately".
Si No Luchamos Juntas, Nos Mataran Por Separado
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