Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sunrise, Sunset Agiabampo

I wake up this morning, wondrous, for here I made it through yet another night in yet another strange (to me) place.

To think, there is no one in this town who would want what I have or think I have so badly they would harm me to get it.

And so many in this town have little possessions. I probably have more ‘things’ in my truck then they have had their whole lives.

Does that make them envious of me… or me envious of them?

To not have the burden of STUFF. Can you imagine to not know the fear of someone attacking you for something you have? How much of our energy is tied up with that fear?

How much of our energy and focus in life is on how to protect what we have from those who have less? Not just with our locks and electronic devices, our fortresses and carefully constructed neighborhoods, but with all the ways we dehumanize if not demonize in our hearts and minds, those who have less.

All the while building major justifications why we need and deserve to have all that we do – to the point we can even justify war, the enslaving to the taking of human life, to get the things we want.

And we totally ignore the theft of our souls.

It is dark when I arise this morning but the horizon to the east has that very tiny suggestion of the amazing lightening hinting the sun’s coming.

By the time the roosters start their racket, I have dug my hole several feet from the truck. The land here is thick sandy clay, unlike Yavaros, where I had to dig thru layers of shells. By the time someone leans on the horn somewhere deep in the town – an alarm maybe for the fishermen? – I have finished covering the hole and knocking the clay off my handy dandy fold-up shovel.

In moments, as if they were giving me privacy, several men appear and build a fire by the near-by empty house structure. I am tempted to join them. If they were womyn, I would definitely join them.

Soon another truck, parking lights on only, drives thru the dark to the water’s edge. The boats that I thought were different from the simple Yavaros boats turn out to be very similar, maybe a little larger but with a motor perched on the back.

I weep when the reds, pinks and blues finally appear with the almost full moon, the big dipper, and other stars I know not their names, bare witness to the coming of a truly new day. How have I slept through so many glorious moments? How can anyone?

As I sit here writing, the sunrise only gets more intense, as the land mass becomes silhouetted and the one strand of cloud in the sky reflects black, then pink, then deep red, and now grey on top with wisps of fluffy pink underneath.

The little part of the sky that is light is now predominantly shades of orange and the blue of the water has appeared.

The only human sound is that of boats and sticks clacking as they are dragged off their moorings and set into the water.

So many bird and animal sounds I don’t recognize. Some dogs yapping in the very distance, a very few roosters still crowing, birds squawking, clucking, cooing, caw-caw-cawing over the waters and through the air. The splash of a bird hitting the water, grabbing her breakfast.

And now a car horn again, maybe the town alarm for the kids to get up this time to get ready for school.

Only the morning star and the moon remain bright in the sky now.

And now a noisy boat motor adds a loud humming to the mornings songs. A donkey moseys on by and over to the one structure with the plastic roof that appears inhabited. A man has also just ridden his bike up to that home and I hear male voices.

Everything and everyone is taking form now, but it is still not total light. The donkey is silent as she wanders off again.

I will leave soon for Los Mochis, internet, and maybe veggie oil. I will have to exchange dolares for pesos too if I can’t find veggie oil. And then to Las Glorias!!! For Gloria!

The lone cloud is now a fiery red with the sky above it morning’s blue, and beneath it the sunrise still lingers, but lighter oranges. I still await the appearance of the sun.

An hour and a half since I’ve risen and the sun still has not appeared but her light has taken over the entire sky. Even at the fartherest west, the black night sky has turned that beautiful deep blue and suggestions of pink float in strokes where clouds are.


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