There are no protections now for girls & wombn.
When "gender identity" is elevated to an entity of itself, when
1) first of all, it is not;
2) second of all it is in reality a gender non-conforming person - i.e. a person who does not conform to some or all of the sex-based stereotypes, roles, behaviors society assigns at birth to his or her sex
3) and lastly it becomes an unreal entity with weight & status as great or greater than biological sex and/or sexual orientation.
How can anyone think it is in any way fair for any man or boy to simply claim he is a girl because he prefers the sex-based stereotypes assigned to girls as he rejects his own sex-based stereotypes assigned him?
Girls & wombn have fought for and secured some protections from discrimination, harassment, & violence (on paper at least signed by all the great white men at the time) granting us these protections for less than fuckin 50 years after centuries of oppression - guaranteed access to not just sports but education, health, freedom to gather together.
The Equality Act is wrong.
Instead of first making "gender identity" a fuckin legal thing, it should have provided protections for "gender non-conforming" people, and secondly by conflating "gender identity" with sex, protections based on sex & sexual orientation are gone.
Just in case you are confused about sexual orientation, there are only solely three possibilities: hetereo, homo, & bi. Period.
A human is either solely attracted to the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes.
That's all folks!
Young female athletes & their right to compete solely against females has been destroyed.
After having this 'right' for less than 50 years in this country, now female students and those seeking sex-based spaces and services haven't had the right to education or support groups or shelters or events solely for wombn for several years - which is one huge contributing factor to the destruction and disappearance of our wombn's communities.
It's not solely or even mostly about fuckin bathrooms.
It's about every single space for wombn & girls to gather & meet together for our own empowerment, liberation, joy; to step outside of & away from misogyny & patriarchy; to craft & figure out, self-determine, agency, autonomy, independence, sovereignty.
Lastly (maybe) we all know that it is not allowed by misogyny for me to talk at all or even solely about centering wombn.
So I add I know that men (& wombn both) who have the nerve to step out of their sex- & race-based assigned roles will meet with male & white violence and need protection from this violence.
It is not necessary, fair, desirable to provide protection for gender non-conforming people by endangering the lives & protections of girls & womyn.
What IS necessary is the elimination of male violence.
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