How can anyone with any smidgen of sense believe hating one's body indicates any level of health?
How can anyone believe that a white man who thinks growing his hair long, wearing dresses, putting on heels, 'feeling' like what society says women feel like can possibly be an expert on health?
How can anyone with a brain trust with our 'health' a man who promotes castration drugs for children, disfiguring surgery & a lifetime of dependency on drugs?
How can anyone not see a man who rejects the sex-based stereotypes society assigns his sex but then lives and loves to embrace the sex-based stereotypes for women never ever ever makes him a woman but a man who wears dresses & heels & makeup.
NO Harris/Biden - Rachel can NOT be HEALTH secretary - appoint him to ANYTHING else just NOT health!
Before you go all name-calling and doxing me or threatening violence and all the other extremes you go to in order to silence me, just know I LOVE men who reject their assigned sex-based stereotypes AND who know they are men who reject their assigned stereotypes which in no way makes them a woman or female but makes them men in dresses.
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