The state of Arkansas is trying to pass a law - again, they already tried this a couple years ago and lost - that men can veto a wombn's decision to have an abortion AND that wombn has to get court permission to have an abortion.
So this is the intro to the link I posted:
OMFG - first men can say they are women (& we're forced to 'affirm' that or face male violence), now they can say whether a woman can have an abortion or not.
And this is a response and dialogue we had:
Brooklyn Wright:
Wait wtf? Are you talking about trans women and comparing their right to exist to this disgusting bill??? Am i reading this wrong? I hope so
Xan Joi:
Brooklyn really? How are you conflating transwomen 'right to exist' with wombn's sex-based rights for our own spaces, events, sports, education let alone agency over our own bodies, own lives, own decisions let alone defining our own selves?
Are you really saying that if transwomen have to respect womyn-only spaces, etc, they will be soooooo devastated they will no longer want to exist? I'm talking about our wombn's rights being attacked & demolished by men. I'm not talking about anyone else's 'right to exist', it has nothing to do with anyone else - EXCEPT wombn. Why does it always have to be about men, whether they're strate, gay, trans, white, black, brown, rich, poor - it's ALWAYS about them.
Xan Joi what did you mean by “men can say they are women?” This was not about transwomen?
Xan Joi:
Brooklyn it's not about transwomen - it's about this 20th/21st century's version of undermining, destroying, negating the rights of WOMBN to self-determination, agency, sovereignty, liberation, not to mention safety & protection from racist, sexist, heterosexist, trans misogyny - i.e. male violence & domination.
I'm saying when wombn can not 'only' define & protect from male violence, who we are but are forced under threats of doxing, banning, rape, death, battery for merely stating biological facts & mentioning our sex-based class, this oppression is part & parcel of male domination of men also deciding our rights over our bodies. Nothing new - eons old. Only the form, the words, the punishments & rewards change.
Xan Joi:
Brooklyn & thank you for continuing this conversation. I have to run now but happy to keep dialoguing later.
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