Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Friday, October 14, 2005

easing on down the road!!

I eased outta the bay area this morning, 6:00a.m. by the time I finally hit the highway – time for democracy now, which I heard only until Vallejo. I was in sacto in time for rush-hour traffic and the dawn – a young white male drove by enthusiastically honking, giving me the springing thumbs up! A Hispanic man, unlit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, drove by on the passenger’s side, eyebrows knitted seriously together, bobbing his cigarette up & down as he solemnly nodded his agreement.

Another truck with 3 Hispanic men pulled along the driver’s side, then dropped back again to re-read the side of the truck. As they pulled forward to pass, all of them nodded slow & severe, very gravely acknowledging the message.

This time I have written “Cindy Speaks for me” in big letters – in between the ‘cindy’ and ‘speaks for me’ I have written in small letters many other wimmin’s names. Under that, I have painted “Women say Enough! 2006: We end WAR” and next to “war” I have painted in a column the dates 1/16, 3/8, 5/14.

I have left in place the “you who support war, send your own children; or go your own self”. A very proper-looking 30 something year old white woman with perfect blond hair curling under either side of her head driving a brand new medium-sized suv, passed, extending her middle finger & not allowing her eyes to leave mine for the whole distance as she passed. I was concerned for her safety – but she made it.

Another shiney red sports car passed with a huge white male hanging out the passenger’s side window, beefy naked fat arm extended to the middle finger, pumping vigorously. His hair, too long to be military, too short to be casual, seemed to stand straight up, emphasizing his anger.

Several women, black, white, & brown passed by either smiling or proudly flashing the peace symbol. A couple older women nodded with big smiles on their faces.

I’m at the first rest stop in our beautiful sierra nevadas – standing at a picnic table next to the first sign of fall – a small tree I certainly should know the name of but don’t, has mostly bright yellow leaves and a scattering of bright green leaves. Looking up close, I can see several leaves that are both yellow & green – unbelievably beautiful. I flock of blue-ish black birds just landed and walked over the small dirt hill on the other side of me.

I’m off… took 2 ½ hours to go 135 miles – I’m heavily loaded – I hate that! Love, suzanne


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