Honor the Vet - NOT
What does this mean? The veteran who stands for peace has given this to us? Or is this the veteran who has convinced himself he has committed atrocities against humans in the name of freedom?
It is the CONSTITUTION and the BILL OF RIGHTS the veteran needs to uphold - not a nationalistic symbol that evokes broad emotional interpretation depending on who one is and not necessarily on how reasonable or even patriotic one is.
This is the WHOLE point of our activism against this war - NO ONE is killing for our freedom for anything. Killing is not now & has never been an acceptable way to obtain anything, let alone freedom.
And despite what any person who embraces war as a means to getting what he wants says, war is the most horrific, most despicable, hugest failing of human beings. Executing war & war games - including torture, rape, pillage - is NOT the way human beings are supposed to be existing on this planet.
It is and has always been those courageous warriors, foremothers & ancestors, armed with justice, peace, compassion, love, and dedication to doing what is right that have won whatever freedoms we ever had and have left in this country.
In my book, soldiers are not heroes. They are merely human beings who have turned their backs on their humanity and have allowed themselves to be used by rich men to kill, rape, and plunder other human beings (acts they, as an individual, would never think of perpetrating on a human being) in order for those rich men to become richer.
We all need to be so ashamed of allowing ourselves to be brainwashed into condoning and perpetuating such violence against humans & this earth. Those who are the instruments for carrying out that violence are the ones who most need spiritual realigning & forgiveness - not worship.
As for the guys guarding the tomb, I think it takes much more courage to stand up against this war as Lt. Watada & over 8000 soldiers are doing - risking not a good soaking but jail, ridicule, even violence.
A Peace Activist's 4th of July Veteran's Post
It is the VETERAN , not the preacher,who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN , not the reporter,who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN , not the poet,who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN , not the campus organizer,who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN , not the lawyer,who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN , not the politician,Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN , who salutes the Flag
It is the veteran , who serves under the Flag,
At 20/8/06 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yes!!! Thank you Veterans of all Wars!!! Val
At 20/8/06 12:17 PM,
MasterGunner said…
You're a nut.
I am a US Soldier, and I support this war 100%. I support my mission, and I support my President.
Unfortunately, when I go off to fight, I don't have the luxury of choosing which Americans I defend.
Rest assured, however, that if I did have that choice.... you Cindy Sheehan, and your Anti-War ilk would be dead last on my list of priorities.
We, as Soldiers, do not ask for your "worship", but instead, your support. Casey Sheehan was one of our fellow Soldiers here at Fort Hood before he died, would you have withheld your support from him, as well?
Before I close, I'll leave you with this: "If you won't stand behind our troops, then by all means, stand in front of them".
At 20/8/06 1:37 PM,
auntybrat said…
I have written at length in other places about OUR soldiers. Yes dear - they are OURS, yours and mine. You state your credentials as being a descendant of the holocaust, and as peace activist and a lesbian.
My credentials? I could tell you I am the proud daughter of a WW2 hero who went to those camps and saw things that you could only imagine in your worst nightmare. I could tell you that in MY family, for many generations, men and women have ALWAYS stepped up to defend the rights of the many. I could tell you I speak on a daily basis to any number of OUR troops; I also speak to Iraqis who thank me for what OUR troops are doing on a daily basis. I could tell you I am the widow of a Vietnam Veteran.
I support every son, every father, every wife, mother, sister, brother , because I KNOW every one of those brave men and women (many of whom I have taken the time to listen to) put their lives on the line, so that YOU may spew your illogical **** ( I really wasn't going to descend into profanity!)
I have learned that push come to shove I WOULD stand in front of you with ANY of our soldiers and take a bullet meant for you. Why?
"They came for the jews, and I said and did nothing'. I KNOW who I would prefer standing with me, if 'they' came for me. My hope for you is that you never have to find out WHO will stand with you.
At 20/8/06 2:56 PM,
FHB said…
You know, people like that illustrate the fact, and it's a huge fuckin' fact, that it's one thing to be a liberal, but to stay THIS liberal for any great period of time takes a HUGE amount of stupidity. I mean, we all have our liberal flashes, like when I hear some bastard talking about kicking all the Arabs out of the country or somethin'. But to think that freedom can be achieved or even maintained without violence is the stupidest fuckin' thing I've ever heard. Has this idiot ever read a history book?
Without the resort to violence, the British and French people would still be living under absolute monarchies, we'd still be living under the Brits, Blacks would still be slaves, the Nazi regime would run half the world and the Japanese would run the rest, etc.
It's as if they think that all violence is morally equal (the guy who robs you with a gun and the guy who shoots the robber are both morally equal?), and that somewhere out there is an ideal world of peace and brotherhood, and if we could just all renounce violence we'd all solve all our problems peacefully.
Well, show me where that ideal world is and we'll go there now. Get the other guys to renounce violence and we'll be right there. Or should we just surrender and martyr our culture to this stupid hippy drivel. That will save all of us the bloody, expensive trouble it's gonna be living the rest of this century with these increasingly deadly Islamic fascist fuckers.
At 21/8/06 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are a granddauther of survivors of the holocaust? Well, if there were not soldiers, would they be survivors? would you be here? It's the men you revile and insist on calling such horrible, evil names, that have allowed YOU to be ALIVE. Think about that.
At 21/8/06 1:32 PM,
Michelle said…
It's sad when someone how had family in the Holocaust would spew such hateful things toward the kind of people who saved whatever family it was that survived that aweful time. My husband, and countless others, have gladly stood up in the time of need to sacrifice everything for you to sit on your butt and do nothing but talk down to them. Each and EVERY single one of the people in uniform have VOLUNTEERED their lives to give us our freedoms, so that we are not randomly picked to do it ourselves. I THANK GOD for everyone of them who has given the ultimate sacrifice, and those who are still fighting. The least you could do is do is keep your mouth shut. If you don't like the way things are done, how about you get off your butt and do something productive, instead of sitting here and saying nothing but nonsense to, and about, our troops!
At 25/8/06 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amazing. After seeing our boys die and lose in vain in Nam, you couldn't be happier to try to inflict the same discord on this new generation of heroes could you?
I am continualy surprized at the venom that the anti-war left has toward GWB...He could call for Amnesty of illegal aliens (that would commonsensically vote democrat) and be greeted with catcalls and vile words. Ohhhh, thats right he did do that...
You are a sad individual. To think someone could Highjack a presidency takes alot of idiocy...
I wonder why you didn't try to link that GWB was behind the second
shot on a November day in Dallas? I mean he is the root of all evil and Camelot died that day didn't?
I mean JFK was everything to you people..right?
Forget he was the one who got us into Nam...Forget he advocated tax cuts and personal responsibility..
Forget the fact that since the 60's the DNC has been hijacked by communists. Forget the fact that if he was alive...Ol' JFK would be a Republican.
GOOOO Liberman! and hey...God Bless America and Her True Heroes
At 16/9/06 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
This woman does not represent the believes of the people who support Code Pink. They are Family orientated people who love their country but want the war to end.
I do not think other members have seen this blog. I know for a face that they do NOT feel the same way this nut case fells about OUR Family members who are on the front lines. Please understand that Pink Code is a reputable organization. I don't think they know just how over the top this woman is.
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