Democrats NOT meeting OUR standards
Moseying up the sidewalk this beautiful early Georgia morn, I approached the back of an elderly white womon who was also ambling along in the bright sunlight. My first trepid thought was to wonder if she was one of those hateful white people who helped perpetuate slavery here in the south.
As I passed her, we exchanged good mornings. A few steps later, I hear her call out “I like your shirt – you’re right you know.”
We talked for a long time and then walked together. She is 85 years old and against war – even if her grandson wasn’t going to be sent to Iraq next weekend – she’d still be against war. She was against it before he joined, and she’s still against it.
“We elected the Democrats to get us out of this war and they’re not doing it, are they?” she stops, not really wanting to know.
An hour earlier on NPR this morning I heard Nancy Pelosi put forth the new Democrat 'proposal' to "begin withdrawing troops" in the fall of NEXT YEAR – they didn’t say “this or next fall” they said “fall of next year”. Can they possibly mean 2008???? And PROVIDING Iraqi’s meet certain standards...
I am enraged – I pounded the steering wheel and sirened down the freeway.
I think we need to FLOOD the switchboard with our outrage - do they think we won't see this as a dirty political trick to end war months prior to the election – an election they want so badly to win they are both prolonging and buying the war?
I ask Matilda to call. She says she doesn’t have the skills. I cringe inside but do my best to give her the encouragement she needs to make the calls.
I, for one, will NEVER vote democratic again if they go thru with this asinine plan. I’d rather risk Republicans winning knowing they will not end war and be able to strategize accordingly, then to vote Democrat on the lying promises of democrats to end war and then have hope & trust shattered.
We must accept no excuse to prolong this war - no matter how prettily camouflaged with anything the Democrats throw our way. It didn't take years to get us into this war; they can get out the way they got in - on the bus, the train, the plane. We are the MOST resourceful, richest country in the world – we do anything we damn well please and we better please to end this war.
We are NOT in this war to 'protect Iraqis' - let us never forget Iraq has the 2nd LARGEST oil supply in the world and their parliament has just signed over 70% interest in that oil to US.
202-224-3121 - just tell your Congressperson & every other congressperson they better NOT vote for the supplemental - the American people will NOT accept any escalation of this war. We will only accept our troops and contractors home within 6 months!
At 14/3/07 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
This will be a tad more eloquent than what you usually get out of us 'Big 4 Door Truck driving rednecks', so try not to get lightheaded: What's the matter? November 2006 not working out like it was planned? I could have told you that this was coming but you guys thought the Dems were a silver bullet. Replace the 'E' in Bullet with 'SHI' and THAT'S what you bought yourself back in Nov. You have been hoodwinked.
Edmond, OK
At 19/3/07 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I didn't know about that phone number before, thank you. I just called in to voice my support of the war on terrorism and to encourage my representatives to do whatever is necessary to insure that the terrorists do not win.
God bless America!
At 22/3/07 11:49 AM,
Mariamariacuchita said…
I hear you loud and clear!!
At 22/3/07 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
That's right, we need to stop fighting other people's wars, etc., etc.. Let's sit & talk w/ these thugs, murderers, etc., etc.., they will respect us more that way. Blah, blah, blah. That's a sure way to get you killed by these scumbags. They could care less about you, your lesbian ways, etc., etc.. If they don't kill you ASAP, they make you wear a head scarf & carry the water, milk the goats, till the crops, make babies endlessly, seventh century style, etc., etc.. If you sat down one second, thought about it logically you would realize talking gets you nowhere. Sometime you have to get out God's mighty swift sword, lay waste to the hordes & start anew.
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