The good news is my first biz cards are printed! The bad
news is that I had my first awful reading today, in beautiful Vermont in a
pretty ‘liberal’ city that probably boasts the most people of color in the
And it’s my fault, of course. The reading was actually
going quite well until the young white lesbian womon started using the term “cis”
several times. I felt I had to intervene and pre-empt her also using “terf”. I
said I find those terms offensive and I hoped we could use other terms.
I then allowed the discussion to morph into a focus on
transdomination politics vs radical feminism. In hindsight I realize I should
have either brought the focus back to my book or I could have talked about the
danger of being trapped into those moments of superiority we need to feel good
about ourselves while we put others down.
Ranking privilege while ranking oppression: cis, trans, non-bionary, gender-fluid, queer etc.etc.etc. creating a bombardment of genders.
And I should have expressed my willingness even desire to
dialogue about transdomination and radical feminism AFTER the reading was over
and maybe even in another location and/or time (altho my time here is very limited.)
Instead these two young people – one a white lesbian the
other a bi-racial (Black & white) man seeking to pass as a woman – attempted
to explain to me why sex is a designation of the state and therefore should be
abolished as it is laden with stereotypes (my word) and limitations.
The saddest thing to me is the fact that these young
people who are bold and fierce in their challenging of gender boxes should be
my dearest allies and bravest accomplices, and me theirs. Instead they label me
as the enemy, me and my generation as the ones who are oppressing queer and trans people (notice how ‘queer’ is supposedly
‘inclusive’ but ‘trans’ often gets taken out of queer to accentuate it?),
especially those of us they think of as “cis” radical lesbians – as if ANY
lesbian can be “cis” in keeping with their definition.
The bottom line, the bulwark of transdomination is
founded on the belief that biology doesn’t exist – or as these two young people
rotely mimicked biology/science is a product of the state…i.e. the state is white
“cis” men therefore is sexist, racist, and transphobic and needs to be
They told me that doctors – again, mostly white “cis” men
– assign sex at birth. And again this belief is the ‘bedrock’ of the
transdomination peeps, as if. I wanted to ask “okay, the sex-blind doc, what should he say
when a baby is born – oh the baby's not an elephant
or a bumble bee or tree stump so I'll assign it 'human'?”
I repeated the statement I had read earlier from a young
womon whose sex WAS assigned at birth because she was one of the less than 1%
of all human births where her sex was ambiguous and therefore the doctor
assigned her female sex. She said that the trans notion that “sex is assigned”
is an appropriation of her group of people whose sex IS assigned at birth;
everyone else is born either female or male.
My two young people shake their heads vigorously and in
unison as they both insist they are not appropriating anything. OK.
I tried to say it’s not the appearance of a yoni or a
penis on a baby that is sexist or racist or transphobic – or misogynist – but the
assigning of GENDER laid upon the child within minutes after birth (i.e. the
pink for girls and blue for boys, etc.) that is oppressive. I tried to
distinguish between sex and gender, but they weren’t having it. I tried to
point out denying sex while also challenging gender is like throwing the baby
out with the bathwater, the baby being ‘sex’, the bathwater being ‘gender’. They
weren’t having that either.
The male-to-trans young person claimed I was being
hoodwinked by science to believe that there’s a male and female and I wanted but
didn’t have time to say “no, I don’t need any science or man to tell me but I
just look around Mother Earth and can see for myself 99.9% of all life has a
male and a female.”
I boiled when this young man started dissing radical
feminists. I asked him if he’s ever spoken with a radical feminist and he,
shaking his head vigorously, claimed he didn’t have to in order to know who ‘they’
are. He even said his mom now calls herself a “feminist radical” because of who
radical feminists are.
Really? Fuckin really? So transdomination (who believes
womyn do not have the right to determine for ourselves who womyn are but males raised
as boys and now living for a mere second as what they believe women are) get to
change our definition and reality of radical feminists even in the eyes of
womyn? Wow – internalized misogyny not to mention another rewriting of
When I (repeatedly) point out that I’ve worked my whole
life to smash gender boxes so we all can be free to decide for ourselves what it means to be a womon, what it means to be a man, that I’m a gender abolitionist, he tells me radical
feminist - including he points out, me! - have never fought for his liberation or the liberation of queer people that only transpeople have. Then
he cites ‘facts’ that it was transpeople who were the ones who fought at
Stonewall, transpeople who were the ones who fought for queer rights,
transpeople who did everyfuckinthing.
I tried to say there wasn’t even such a notion as
transgender during Stonewall and not even until the last 10 or 15 years and
that he’s rewriting history: they were gays, lesbians, queens, transvestites
and transexuals - communities working together.
He responded by saying he’s quoting someone “the
revolution will be fought by the young” and I’m like bring it on, what the fuck
ru waiting for but I ask him if he doesn’t think that might be an ageist
statement. He stares at me intently and repeats the slogan even as I think we’re
gonna need everyfuckinbody if we’re really gonna have a revolution in this
country. But then he lectures me about how I really need to study misogyny
(re-a-fuckin-ly) and how I’m perpetuating and the perpetrator of the isms and I
need to listen to him and young people. I do listen to him for a good 3 minutes
as he spews his youthful condemnation and ignorance. As he’s finishing he rises and begins to
walk out.
I ask him if he’s really leaving after I listened so
patiently to him is he not interested also in what I have to say or does he
just want to dump his thoughts on me and leave? He claims he has no interest in
what I have to say, he's leaving and I let him know he’s behaving like a typical male,
overpowering/dominating the conversation, getting out his righteous point of
view and then not bothering to allow anyone to reciprocate. How fuckin male.
How fuckin male.
And the young dyke murmurs her ‘thank you’ as she trails
out behind her friend. I feel most badly for her, as I believe she really
wanted to continue the conversation. Maybe one day we can all continue the
At 3/11/18 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Xan! It's me, Tabitha. I'll be slowly reading through different parts of your blog and leaving some comments to let you know I value your insights. I was curious to see some of your thoughts about trans issues, so I searched your blog for "trans" and found this post.
This really is an upsetting story for me to hear and it's one I've heard lots of womon telling. My fellow youth hurts and devastates me with their actions sometimes. We need to be listening to elder lesbians like you, not telling you to shut up or acting like we know more. You were actually present to witness so much of LGBT history. Meanwhile people my age and younger do not know their history and do not bother to research it at all. They rewrite and retell and it really is a terrible sad thing.
I have watched the trans ideology morph and change so much over the years. I'm sure you have too! Do you remember when trans people used to acknowledge that sex and gender were different? That's an idea trans people came up with themselves! And these days to acknowledge that fact is considered transphobic.... The trans people of ten years ago seemed so much more kind and reasonable then how they are today...
How can they expect people to accept them when they are so vicious and attack people? They call for violence so much of the time. Can you imagine of gay men or lesbians were so violent? We never would have achieved the level of acceptance we have today if we said things like "punch a terf!" and whatever else violent slogans they like to use.
I do know some wonderful trans people and I have a close transgender friend but I constantly feel like I have to be careful when I talk to them. It's kind of funny how sometimes trans people will agree with radical feminist ideas without realizing it's radical feminism. I've talked to a female-to-trans friend about her female socialization and oppression before, wording it carefully so that friend wouldn't call me a TERF and discount all of my words. That friend agreed with so much of what I had to say. It's just so hurtful how they will consider you to be hateful when you DO genuinely love and respect them. Ugh.
And I can't stand how trans people are so focused on radical feminists as oppressors, completely ignoring that it's white males who murder them and make laws against tran people. We owe so much to radical feminists. People like you, Xan... You are a true activist who is changing the world. So many of these trans youths aren't actually trying to change or save the world they way you are. All they care about is themselves and their own lives, not other people.
It's sad. I hope it gets better one day. I do see more and more radical feminists speaking out against a lot of the terrible trans activism. Womon are rising and fighting back. Never forget many womon in this world are awake and aware.
I value your insights so very much and I am so thankful for all of the work you do. It is amazing how many different people you are engaging and trying to explain these things to. Thank you so much, Xan. You are a hero!! You are changing the world!
Also I am very sorry if I wrote too much. I just want to let you know you are very appreciated.
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