Last month I posted the utter moronic federal appointment as HEALTH director of a man who is sooooo delusioned, hates his body soooooo much, he think he's a woman. REALLY? Fuckin REALLY? A man that pushes castration of young boys, female genital mutilation and disfiguring surgery of young girls, and dooms trans people to a fuckin lifetime dependency on drugs.
This is the ensuing conversation I was able to have - on facebook of course
Emma Missouri no silencing this old dyke ESPECIALLY when it comes to racism, misogyny, war. & no 'confusing' or obfuscating the truth under my watch.
Emma Missouri you are condescending too much! she's right and what's it to you with your patriarchal b.s.?
Emma Missouri you are entitled to your opinion as much as xan joi is. So thank you for expressing yourself. Don’t listen to these little minds who want to quiet you. f them.
Rose M Castro
, No she isn't entitled to insult Xan on her own page. Bullying...
Rose M Castro
I'm sorry you've been so disrespected in your life you think it's ok and normal. Silencing women and or being condescending by telling a woman and especially Xan on her own page that she "talks too much" is patriarchal sexist b.s. and Emma was the one to quiet XAn in the first place so stop with your gaslighting and double speak.
Beverly Booth LowdermilkXan, you totally went off the handle calling me nasty names. It is I who am disappointed. It is about my friends because I am their advocate. TERF means "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist" and it is not a slur, it is a philosophy. You are not yet able to understand the fluidity and complexity of feminine energy. You were patronizing towards me in your post so I will suggest you do some work around this. Just goes to show ya, Supremacy and bigotry comes in all flavors. The vitriol you expressed shades your argument . Trans women are women and Trans men are men. As a therapist, what I understand is the pain.
Rose M Castro ur welcome Rose! I certainly won't listen 2 these little emperor-has-no-clothes minds who like the emperor & his minions think they can shame me in2 silence - not 2 mention who actually attempt 2 to project their own behavior on2 me.
Beverly Booth Lowdermilk I am going through everything I wrote to you and I can't see one name that I called you, nasty or not. What "nasty" name have I called you?
Beverly Booth Lowdermilk i was translating "terf" for you - you called me a terf
Beverly Booth Lowdermilk I am a fierce kickass wombn for over 70 years and a lesbian for over 40 years. You REALLY think I don't know the fluidity and complexity of the divine female energy - that I am? But men who embrace society's sex-based stereotypes against females and then claim to 'feel' female and 'identify' as female do know our divinity and know better than I do? And "femininity" is a racist and sexist concept to keep wombn, including strate white wombn, oppressed and controlled. Has the wombn's movement just gone over so many people's heads? Do you remember a sacred tenet of feminism is "Change society, NOT your body" But maybe even most of all Beverly, I know misogyny. I've lived, breathed, studied, researched, dialogued, focused, communed, analyzed, yanked out of me, dismantled, torn down misogyny internally as well as worked on externally destroying it - as I have also racism - and I know that men can never be wombn, nor wombn men. I know that neither drugs nor surgery can turn a men into a wombn and vice versa. Tell me why should that reality be insulting to anyone? Unless you're trying to co-opt and fetishize the female and demolish sex-based rights. There are trans people who know they are men not wombn and still trans. I differentiate between the trans agenda and individuals. I know this trans agenda to demolish the tiny bits of liberation, freedom, empowerment wombn fought for and carved out for ourselves is merely backlash when truth is spoken to power.
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