Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Suggested Teams beginning...






Media team:

1)     Make list of media outlets, including print, radio, tv, social, etc.

2)    Develop, update, distribute press releases

3)    Suggest ‘standard’ press release able to be adapted once ride begins

4)    Train and designate press representatives



Legal team:

1)     Locate and alert legal resources nationally and locally

2)    Make legal contact numbers and names available for participants

3)    Liaison between any arrestees and legal help

4)    Train and designate legal observers for every action



Info Team:

1)     Paint banners, signs, artwork for Ride

2)    Quarter page info sheets to educate and hand out to local observers, onlookers

3)    Make clear chart/map of Ride route with dates and times for departing, arriving, and actions as well as clear meet-up locations

4)    Collate chant and song sheets for participants



Logistics Team:

1)     Locate, collate contact info of potential national support including rad fem groups, on-hands services groups/organizations, wombn/organizations (if any) already doing the work

2)    Reach out to possible local support as places (churches, parks, campgrounds) which might be willing to house, feed, provide gathering venues, etc. – get the lay of the land

3)    Research along route rest stops and other potential places to reconnect in case the caravan is separated, to eat, pee, rest



Documentarian Team:

1)     Organizing video, sound, print info

2)    Interviewing participants

3)    Interviewing responses

4)    Collecting contact info




Media Team:

1)     Issue press releases 24 hours in advance of Ride arrival

2)    Make early morning press calls prior to local actions/arrivals/departures

3)    Arrange interviews on local radio, TV, print prior to actions

4)     Update website, blog, whatever source we’re using for publicity/current info



Info Team:

1)     Coordinate printing of materials to hand out along route

2)    Designate a central location vehicle for pickup and return of banners, signs, materials to hand out and left overs



Logistics and Communications Team:

1)     Fact, ‘go-to’, and rumor control headquarters – know what/where/when/who everything is happening as well as who needs what, what’s missing, etc.






Media Team:

1)     Make sure press releases have gone out, early morning calls made

2)    Designate press liaisons for particular action



Legal Team:

1)     Contact local legal help, put on alert

2)    Collect contact list of participants willing to act as designated legal observers

3)    Liaison between designated legal observers, any arrestees or wombn willing to risk arrest, police and jail – not that there will be arrests but to not be caught unaware and unprepared



Info Team:

1)     Time keepers, getting folks info on time, location, action info

2)    Distribute materials, including chant sheets, maps, coordinators numbers

3)    Know designated legal observers, press contacts, police and disruptor team members

4)    Recruit megaphone volunteers



Logistics Team

1)     Have water containers filled, snacks ready, compost/recycle/garbage bins (either set up various locations along route to refill bottles, hand out snacks or have a couple little red wagons w/supplies, etc)

2)    Provide support for liaisons and designated team members

3)    Sidewalk, street security - ?Block intersections until all have passed if marching in the streets



Resource Team:

1)     Identify medics, counselors, support folks

2)    Police liaison designated

3)  Centering Wombn  NegotiatingTeam to handle TRA's and instigator, infiltrator




Post Action:

1)     Debriefing: what worked, issues, improvements

2)    Sharing stories: why you joined? What is happening in your communities? Where are you finding support?

3)    Recruiting


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