Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Fearful of Me

I think this is probably the hardest job I've ever had: greeting refugees coming over the boarder thru the new cpb one app.

First of all, knowing the hardships they have faced and triumphed over. Second knowing what is still on their plate while also knowing the plate they imagine is not necessarily the plate they will be served.

Then of course my struggles trying to communicate with my poor Spanish &/or non-existent Creole.

But probably the hardest struggle and most heart-breaking part is getting people to trust me to walk them two blocks to the bus station or another half block to the Welcome Center or another two blocks to the shelter. It's unimaginable what they must have experienced to be so fearful of me.


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