Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

What - did you think the buoys are gone???

Returning from Piedras Negras, we went down to the river again, this time farther south.

What did you think the buoys are gone? Just because the federal government declared them unconstitutional and ordered the state of texas to remove them, doesn't mean the state complied. Only when Mexico pointed out that the buoys were on the Mexican side of the river, did the state of texas then move them, not out of the river but closer to the u.s. side.

As if the ebb and flow of the river is static.

Not only are these buoys there floating in the water with concertina razors under the surface, but horrific giant round saw blades are lined up in between each buoy.

How about the blades in between each one just in case a child or a womon or a man reaches for them in an attempt to fight the current and keep from drowning?

Then there's the hidden concertina razors ready to shred feet already bloodied from miles and miles of hostile terrain or legs and arms already scraped and broken from being tossed off train roofs or crashing through jungles.

What did you think we don't have armed soldiers, soldiers armed with weapons of war, did you think we're not at war against the unarmed mother and her two children our tax dollars paid for those soldiers to aim their guns at her & her babies to make sure they didn't get to step their toes onto u.s. soil & seek asylum?

Our border is militarized - our southern texas border that is

See the soldier on top of the container, ready to sit and eat his lunch, with his war machine rifle, all behind concertina razors. Do we feel safe now?

I thought this is so typical u.s.ofa. shrouded behind concertina razors and shipping containers - and the u.s.ofa. flag flying freely

Lots of harley-boats full of soldiers patrolling the river, hunting for people, human beings. No drug dealer bring drugs to his u.s. customers, no cartel, no supplier of bodies for u.s serial rapists has to wade across a river to reach their clientele. If we really wanted to stop drug dealers and serial rapists we'd end it here, on this land, in this country by prosecuting the first line buyers and sellers.

This was when the buoys were on the Mexican side.

This is the only 'warning' people are given. It's a joke - it's not on the buoys, not even facing the Mexican side where refugees are coming from.

The buoys were not removed - even tho the feds said they needed to be - but instead they were moved back into the u.s. side of the river. You can see the cement posts that were drilled and then poured into forms on the river, where the buoys sat formerly. Guess what kind of environmental impact study was done before pounding in these posts let alone spreading of the concertina razors under the surface of the river?

Where the fuck are all the environmentalists? Can you only imagine what this awful intrusion in this beautiful river is doing to it???


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