What can we do???
1. Lay down in front of transport vehicles
2. Quit job, drop out: be active every day
a. Stop paying taxes
b. Peace fund for taxes
3. Coordinated national die-ins
a. 665,000 dying in streets
b. 3074 dying in streets
4. Occupy media stations
5. Slow down – traffic – city streets, freeways
a. three pink cars abreast driving slowly
b. pink-up cars, guerrilla slow downs all over town
c. paint giant pink peace symbol on roof of car for tv cameras
d. break-down &/or abandon car
e. stall – restart just before police get there
f. block traffic on bridges, major arteries into cities
g. use wheel chairs, walkers, canes to block traffic
6. Chain/handcuff oneself to cars
a. of senators & congresspeople
b. hummers/suvs
7. Humanize the Iranian community for the general public
a. spread stories of individuals, statistics re:country, people, life in Iran
b. live video conferences, public radio/tv shows with Iranians, letters to editor, etc.
c. “meet our Iranian neighbors” – human interest story re:folks in town w/roots in Iran – talk about their relatives whose life would be in danger should we attack
8. Network with Iranian Community
a. Vigil at embassies, mosques
9. Mothers/women go to Iran, become human shields
10. Dawn action at pentagon
11. Church actions
a. surround church, fall on knees begging forgiveness
b. block church doors
c. penance
12. Media watch on Iran
13. Art-in,dance-in
a. chant poetry in Farsi
b. Congo line across the country
c. Wear enlarged photos of dead soldiers, dead Iraqis
d. Street theater, performance groups
e. Contrast pictures of healthy, happy Iraq children w/dead ones
f. Tie pictures of dead together, surround buildings
14. Pink-up town w/pink toilet paper
a. Dress monuments and statues in pink boas, pink bras
15. Broaden movement: involve youth, union, immigrants, spiritual communities, etc.
16. Congress:
a. Demand binding resolutions
b. “Peace-Ins” in offices/ occupy offices
c. Hall/wall of SHAME
i. Wear pics of those representatives that are supporting war
ii. Make a wall w/their names
d. Document who is voting on what, confront them in public
e. Give them pink ovaries/balls of courage
17. Actions at gas stations
a. Ride bikes around station, blocking entrances, directing people away: “this station is closed!”
18. “Flesh In” – go naked
19. Coordinated noise: wake up America, Congress! Alarm clocks
a. Rumor: noon, feb 15th set off alarms – spread the alarm: bush is attacking
20. Pink actions at port cities to block transport vehicles: pink slip ships, planes transporting war
21. WITS & Real Face of War actions along highways
22. Feb 6th: military tech show at Rayburn???
23. Target military:
a. Shut down recruiting stations
b. Action at bases
c. Petition to redress from active military
d. Recruit support against invasion of Iran
24. Lipstick action
a. Gather used tubes of lipstick, graffiti all glass, mirror surfaces w/anti-war messages
b. In women’s bathrooms – asking women to help spread the word!
25. Ads
a. Newspaper ads in all small town papers, plus New York Times, etc.
b. Billboard ads
c. Use existing billboards, alter message
26. Build on 500,000 folks who came to march/rally
27. Use avery stickers w/anti-war message, stick all over town
28. General strike
At 31/1/07 8:39 AM,
Chris said…
You guys really are crazy. And I thought it was just the media making you look that way.
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