to the east coast
we've been joined by another wonderful brilliant committed young womon ariel who will continue to florida w/me - rae is going to continue her work in wisconsin, another swing state.
we drove thru the pretty mountains of western pennsylvania, mostly in early evening. as has been my experience in the past, hardly any drivers in this part of pa reacted to the truck - we got only 4 positives! cutting up thru upstate new york, we got 5 positives before pulling into a rest stop for the nite. this was ariel's first time sleeping in the back of the truck with us,
we all passed out until a loud rude rapping on the driver's door startled us awake. i yelled in my best mama bear's voice 'what the hell do you want?' a white male voice answers 'oh, i'm the attendent & the police are here too. we're just checking to see where you were.' 'we're here & sleeping!' i growled. we heard him retreating as he mumbled his apologies & we returned to sleep.