A Challenge
And being a republian-run city including the non-profits who should be providing for the people here, they are not able to get many local donations. There's no food not bombs, no Berkeley Natural Grocer, no supermarket bosses having enough compassion to contribute their supplies or overflow evenfor helping refugees.
Once again, as we approach the ugly, offensive fuckin wall – a wall that costs ONE MILLION DOLLARS A FUCKIN FOOT – I prepare myself to focus on how to help instead of how angry I am, how ashamed of this country that can spend a million dollars a foot to build a barrier blocking not only desperate humans seeking refuge and a chance to provide for themselves and their families, but also blocking animals and wildlife from access to their territory along with the humans this side that also roamed freely across this border a few decades ago for more centuries than we can count.
How disgusted I am with the amerikkkans who buy into the rhetoric that we can’t afford these people when the truth is, we can’t not afford them. The service industries, the agricultural complex, restaurants, hotels – all the businesses in this country that count on exploiting the new comer or the desperate willing to fill the low paid jobs, the dirty hard jobs that amerikkkans won’t work, these systems are starting to feel the loss of their cheap workers.
But what is happening now at the border? In December when I came through, literally thousands of people were lining up to enter the u.s. This morning there probably weren’t 60.
There were people from Peru, Cuba, Congo, Angola, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Columbia and India.
The family from Congo – a husband, wife, and two children – have been traveling for FIVE fuckin months to get here. It took them a whole month just to get out of Africa and land in Ecuador. From Ecuador they mostly walked through Columbia on to Panama; then Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala into Mexico. Four months of mostly walking, some bus, some train but mostly walking.
This family speaks Spanish better than I do, and English as well as their native tongue.
They are definitely not the right color to be allowed into this country.
Another man, who came from Ecuador, had been captured and tortured by some gang cartel. They set his ransom at $18,000. He had documentation, video I couldn’t watch, of men beating up other men, dragging womyn away. He was ‘saved’ at that time by the press getting wind of what was going on and reporting it on national media. Hopefully this documentation will be enough. His wife and two children were running with him. He probably wasn’t 4’10” and tiny – I doubt any of the flip flops or sandals I purchased will fit his little feet.
The people from Cuba and Columbia will be immediately returned. Even though they are following this idiotic game of border patrol, putting their feet onto u.s. soil with the expectation that they will at least be processed through the judicial system and be allowed to tell their story, placing all their hopes and energies and resources onto this path to u.s. citizenship.
Yet border patrol and the whole fuckin immigration nitemare system knows they will not be among the chosen allowed to stay.
One, that is ONE out of one thousand human beings seeking asylum in this country will actually be accepted, after two years of trying and only after having a reason our system deems ‘credible’ and only after they also have physical proof of that reason.
If you’re reading this, make it a priority journey in your life to come to the border as soon as you are willing and able. See for yourself who is walking here, who is spending every last penny they have and more to make it here, who is risking their very lives, who is sacrificing home and family and community to find opportunity here to be safe, to work, to live.
But come with your hands full: bring food and water, and tons of money for the truly modern day saints providing humanitarian services for refugees. We HAVE to support these people.
Challenge our fellow amerikkkans, who claim we can’t afford these people, with the truth. Help them understand, make them understand this narrative of dehumanizing of people seeking entrance into our country is only allowing them to turn their backs, enabling them to blindly continue life as usual, to have no compassion for the life of a refugee. And have no doubt, this exclusion of especially Black and brown folks has been cemented into our institutions, the very blood and breath of our nation, since practically the beginning of this country, from the constitution onward: thus forming their very faulty assessments of who is coming here.
As a nation, we MUST have a widespread acceptance of humans crossing our border – as we most easily cross almost everyone else’s border – and as the French believed when they sent over the statue of liberty.
Now under fuckin Biden, he is closing almost every pathway into this country, much worse than tRump ever did. He wants refugees to apply for and receive asylum from every single country they are forced to pass through.
Furthermore, he wants them to provide documentation 20 feet from the u.s. border, not on u.s. soil. It’s more than ridiculous. It is just a ploy to circumvent any path for asylum in this country.
Today, most of these 60 womyn, children, and men have been waiting since last night for border patrol to come pick them up, detain them in a prison, and then they hope to be interviewed and released to friends or relatives or just anywhere to await the process to begin.
Fernie tells them what to expect – except he doesn’t tell them they probably will not be accepted into the asylum system, let alone this country. Instead, he tells them almost none of their belongings will be allowed to accompany them onto the bus. They will be given a small plastic bag into which they can put whatever will fit. None of their bags, their backpacks, their pocketbooks will come with them. All these things will go into the garbage. Along with their shoe laces. Any food or water, unless it will fit in the small bag. Any extra layers of clothing – only one layer allowed. Then they will be put in a van and taken to be processed. He doesn’t tell the Cubans or Nicaraguans or Haitians or Venezuelans or Colombians they will be put on a bus or a plane today and shipped back to Mexico.
And no one, not one person who is forced to leave their country because of climate disaster – because of flooding or the ocean warming or earthquakes or any other consequence of our capitalist life style destruction of Mother Earth – no one will be granted asylum for attempting to escape this massive climate disaster of our capitalist way of life, driving our foreign policy, destroying their home and our planet.
The gate in the wall we go through to reach the point where refugees are waiting border patrol
Facing Mexico - the red bridge and highway are in Mexico. This side of the wall is u.s.
This is all the water and the only part of the Colorado River we allow to go into Mexico.
After walking into the u.s., refugees then walk along the canal that is the piece of the Colorado River we allow into Mexico, to cross the other bridge and then walk back.