Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day Kansas video

arrests in d.c.

more photos

mother's day monday


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Add caption                                                                                                        n San Francisco, we were out in front of Union Square with our very own replica of the Capitol, expertly produced by Renay, Martha, & Elisa!
Diana made a "Women say PULL OUT NOW" banner, Jane made one that said "Arise, Women Arise; and Joanna's said "Arise Women, Bewail the Dead; Iraqis & U.S. Soldiers say PULL OUT NOW". It was beautiful, freezing cold, and about rotating 6 cp'ers were the base group from 9a.m. until 6p.m., with others joining to stand in support for shorter periods.
Over 1000 people took flyers urging them to call their congress people, told the story of oil companies profiteering, and facts on the Iraq war and the Oil Benchmark. Many agreed to wear the number of U.S. soldiers dead - which has tragically grown by 5 more U.S. deaths this morning and hundreds of Iraqi deaths.
I'm going to attempt to attach photos - if it doesn't work, Elisa S will be getting them soon!


Surround replica of congress at union square protest

Mother's Day Monday Sistah Solidarity Stand Report Back

What an AWESOME action we did today at Union Square.

I arrived at Montgomery BART a little before 9 & as I was heading up the escalator with my heavy suitcase with the megaphone strapped on, I noticed an elderly white man walking up the zillions of stairs next to the escalators.

My mother would never allow us to take escalators when we were kids: she said they would make us lazy & we had to walk the stairs. I was wondering as I watched him climb if that would have been my mother, had she lived past 52.

As I got to the street, struggling to pull my heavy load up Powell the 3 blocks to Union Square, who approaches me but this older man asking if I was going to the demonstration at Union Square. I’m surprised but grateful when he offers to help pull the stuff with me.

He has a small, dark blue cap on his head – I’m decked out in my awesome, large CodePINK hat with sparkly pink scarves, and we see Diane in the square with her loverly huge hot pink hat with feathers on!

We’re ready to begin! As we’re setting up our banners, and the replica of the Capitol, two police officers approach and comment on this fellow’s little tiny dark blue cap! They spend several minutes chatting about how wonderful it is. Diane and I look at each other – we’re beyond belief.

When the officers finally come over to talk with us, they don’t mention our fabulous hats but want to know who we are, how long we’re going to be there, how many of us…. I interrupt to express our deep disappointment! How COULD he ignore our hats!!!

So we got off to a pleasant start with the SF police!

It was so cold today, the wind blew constantly, the sun never broke thru the fog. We heard it was 80 degrees the other side of the bay, but I wonder if it cleared the 50 degree mark where we were!

One of the MOST awesome things that happened today was when two wimmin from Kuwait approached us & wanted to know more about CodePINK! They signed up, and are going to keep in touch, and maybe even open a CodePINK chapter in Kuwait!!!

Two sisters, both recent graduates from Texas on a 2 week vacation in California before they go back and have to get a job, joined our action for a good 30-45 minutes, holding signs and banners, and promising to connect with cp’ers in Dallas when they return!

33 wimmin in D.C. were arrested today, as they insisted Congress vote NO MORE FUNDS for war! And they insisted “Arrest George Bush” “Arrest Dick Cheney”.

We are so proud of these wimmin, several of them from the SF Bay Area. We stayed at Union Square, in Sistah Solidarity with them until 6:00p.m. – about the time they were released from jail (9p.m. D.C. time)