I’m soooooo bitterly disappointed the Berkeley City Council
cancelled their regular meeting for tonite, I want to fire them ALL!
How dare you, our formerly progressive (or is that just a
right-wing rumor?) Berkeley City Council, in these times, when your police
department that is accountable to YOU, when your police officers are acting so
viciously and making decisions that incite violence & hurt people, when the people of
Berkeley are standing up demanding to be heard, demanding change, you choose
not to be accessible and available?
Berkeley City Council: you should have called an
immediate emergency town hall meeting to discuss how to represent and amplify the
voices of the people. The Berkeley City Council should be meeting daily with
these people willing to make this a major part of their daily lives, to work
out a plan for change, a plan to address the blatant and not so blatant racism
that thrives here, the fuckin militarization of our little police force in this
small town.
This is the time for city council to be present and
involved: NOT cancelling meetings.
I am also deeply angered by the view some council people
are publicly projecting when they say "a few
violent outliers hijacked the protest and its message".
What? This is NOT the truth but
the mantra of the police and media. Why are some council members repeating it?
The truth is it is the police that highjack protests and instigate 'violence'
in this country. Didn’t council see the report that just came out today???
People! Council! These police
are armed by fuckin violent fuckin surplus military paraphernalia.
Fuckin tear gas is a weapon of
war. But, so shamefully, there are also militarized uniforms (they look like hollywood
sci fi monsters), weapons (you should see the guns on these guys, the heft of
their clubs, the grotesque helmets), and equipment - like those fuckin
helicopters and other vehicles they use to attempt to intimidate & silence
We all know that the military
has been pumping their surplus weapons of war into our communities since the
late 1990's. And this past year, the Obama administration granted billions of
dollars worth of military-grade weapons & military training to cities and
towns across the u.s.ofa., more than any other year previously.
These are war weapons designed to
conquer on foreign lands, to turn on (supposedly) other armed (but not equally) soldier men; NOT civilians for gods sakes - although we all know they are
used against civilians world-wide.
But now these military-grade everything are here in Berkeley being
used against us, the people.
Please do not ever, never ever ever appropriate the
actions of any protestors throwing bricks or breaking windows by calling them “outliers”
or “violent”.
I’ll deal with the “violent” first: how can you call
someone who throws a brick ‘violent’ while someone who shoots canisters of tear
gas after attempting to slam clubs into peoples' guts, you would call what? Sweet, thoughtful, level-headed, intelligent kind
Furthermore, there is a continuum of reasons someone
might be inspired to throw a brick. Some could be protestors who think for
themselves and have chosen to respond to murder in this way.
Others might be police provocateurs because how else can
police, in this day and age of electronic and instant media, justify attacking
unfuckinarmed civilians not to mention exponentially increase their own hazard
Some could be the very young who still know things are
fucked up and have not been conditioned yet to value especially the corporate
property giants over expressing their anger, rage, frustration in ways society
has deemed “violent, illegal” while society allows and even pays those very
corporations to inundate young minds with products and values that turn them
into uncaring, unfeeling, unimaginative, life-destroying clods in the toxic waste
of those corporations.
You understand, Council, this
very obsession you and your police are showing about “property” is EXACTLY what
we are in the streets protesting! Some of us have woken up to see that LIVES
are what should be valued – human life, plant life, animal life, life of the
Mother Earth.
You are leading the police to
value property over all else. I know we were all born into a system that both
1) protects, projects & upholds property to the highest value, and 2) arms
macho violent men with horrific weapons and training on how to subdue,
dominate, control, and kill your own people, so they can make sure property is
protected at all costs of human life.
It should be the job of the
police to clear the path for the voice and actions of the people.
What would it cost your police to remove obstacles and ensure that the voices
of these protestors are heard? No, this seems to be too difficult for them.
They could be shutting down streets, diverting traffic, stopping cars, making
sure the people have the space to project this voice.
What do you care if the streets are shut down, if the
freeway is shut down, the trains are shut down? This is the WHOLE POINT of
protesting these racist, sexist, violent, anti-life society, institutions,
corporations, and times: to SHUT IT DOWN!
And they are shut down for how fuckin long? An hour? Two
hours? Four and a half hours? We can allow a young man’s swiftly cooling body
to lay on pavement bleeding out for 4.5 hours but we cannot tolerate protestors standing a freeway closing it down for 20
And who’s values are fucked up here?
Oh, but we are supposed to tolerate and accept four
hundred fuckin years of genocide, violence, oppression, 400 years of military wars minus the 17 total years we were not officially at war, not to mention the
wholesale destruction of our very Mother Earth but we can not tolerate a couple
hours of SHUT IT DOWN!
If you were meeting tonite, I
would tell you to consider something. I know you all would probably be struggling
to project a very blank face and inside you’ll be saying “that’ll never
happen”. Your heads might even ever so slightly shake a little “no”. You’d
probably be struggling to keep your eyes pinned forward and not rolling around your
But I would tell you to
remember that is how rich white men in power have ALWAYS responded to deep
social issues the people were demanding to change. “No, of course not, slavery
will NEVER be abolished”. (Okay so it hasn’t been really, but the certain form of
slavery they were protecting has been made illegal). “No ridiculous! Womyn will NEVER get the right
to vote.” NO NO NO.
Well I’m warning you to put
those responses on hold; to press the pause button; to lean forward and listen
intently and intensely, & to prepare yourselves to be the courageous
warriors our times demand of you and all of us.
then DEMILITARIZED at the very least, and DISMANTLED the way they are. We want
a real, human, compassionate, loving force that will honor and protect the life
of humans and all life on the Mother Earth, beginning with Berkeley.
We need all of YOU to stand up
against this police violence, police murder, racism. Period. Our community and
individuals will NEVER be safe as long as macho, violent armed men and their
mimics are walking amongst us.
And lastly: NOBODY hijacked our
message: it is loud and clear: BLACK LIVES MATTER! & SHUT IT DOWN!