Reagan and tRump!
Although I am hoping to interview tRumpers, most of the folks here are foreigners! That is white Canadians, French and Germans. But I do find a youngish woman from Tennessee who reiterates the fear that immigrants are taking what really belongs to her.
She claims the past 6 years have been horrible and in fact, times were good under Reagan and haven't been good since - this she says kinda sheepishly as I'm sure she's not old enough to remember Reagan but she is sure that everyone loved Reagan.
I want to keep her talking so I reign in my sarcasm and say, well he was a movie star. She starts naming movies he was in, that I've never heard of but it's the same illogical qualification for president as being a businessman.
And sure enough, she proudly attributes tRump's business prowess to solving so many problems since January 20th. When I press her about which problems are these she sights without pause 'immigrants'.
At this point, her husband approaches and interrupts, demanding her attention back at the 3 story, 2 block RV they are 'camping' in and she follows him with a small, backward wave to me as I loudly declare, no not everyone loved Reagan but corporations certainly did!
Reagan-era was good to her; obviously the feminist era wasn't.