Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Friday, August 03, 2007

Womyn's Emergency Round Table: Strategizing for September vote!

Dearest CodePINKer:

We are in crisis. You are urgently requested to sit at our Round Table of Womyn to strategize how we are going to make certain Congress votes this September to BRING OUR TROOPS HOME from Iraq and NOT to continue funding war and occupation of Iraq.

Crisis comes from the Chinese characters for danger and opportunity. Iraqis, our nation, our future is in grave danger; and we have this opportunity in September to ensure Congress votes to represent us and end this funding. It is up to us.

Be part of this Round Table. If you are able, bring a nutritious dish to fuel our bodies as we empower ourselves to take action. Or just come!

WHEN: Monday, August 13th, 6:00p.m.

WHERE: Redwood Gardens
2951 Derby St

WHAT: MMMEG: Emergency Womyn's Round Table and Pot Luck

Please RSVP to or call 510-524-2776

Fort Collins Peace-In - Salazar's staff leaves early!!! to be continued

Ft Morgan Colorado - a beginning

Ft Morgan almost seems like a typical western town except it is extremely clean and the storefronts are painted and neat. The roads are wide for both the 4-laned business strips and the 2 lane residential.

I go in search of wireless internet to three coffee shops, with tons of large pick-up trucks lining the street, filled with hostile white men of all ages chatting, hanging out, eating cholesterol and sipping lousy coffee. I wonder where the hell are all the women?

I spot a couple of shops that sport Spanish signs! I finally find the ‘espresso’ shot that is wireless so here I am – not far from Senator Salazar’s office.

I weep this morning as I read about the 4 u.s. soldiers and the 5 iraqi brothers who have been killed. I can’t help it. Everyone is staring anyway yet they politely ignore my tears.

A white woman finally walks in, briskly ignores me, and grabs a couple of coffees to go. I wonder what the women are doing while the men are hanging out? hmmmm

I wonder if anyone will show up this morning. I talked with a couple of womyn last nite at the hotel, workers, and urged them to come. I wonder what response I will get when I hold up my sign. I already got one finger and one thumbs down. We’ll see!