Does the parent have the right to determine her child's health care?
Or does the state have the right to override the parent's decisions concerning her child's health care?
Who gets to decide what is best for your child?
Funny, I always thought it was the parent's right and responsibility to make the life-shaping, life-altering, life-building decisions in her child's life - as terrifying and thrilling, as boring and challenging, as easy and extremely difficult as these decisions may be.
Everything we do as parents, everything we choose, every path we take, or don't take, impacts that child's life. As it did when our parents took those steps, or slides, or jumps in life.
As if it is not hard enough, as a parent, to make the choices, the decisions, the paths to this way or that way that lead or delete paths to other ways or dead-ends.
But for a stranger, someone who has never shared a meal, walked a moment with you, seen your dreams, maybe college-educated, maybe street-wise; maybe experienced similar lives, maybe grew up on the other-then-your side of the tracks, someone who is getting more money for deciding if you're making the right decisions in your child's life then you are getting for making those decisions in your child's life.
Someone is coming Friday to determine if the state has the right to make those decisions that not only undermine the authority of the mother, not only deny her the right to do what she determines (with tremendous fore-thought, angst, thorough research, heart-rendering/heart-breaking considerations, and the very greatest love on earth: the love of a mother for her child) is the best for her child, but can actually force her to act against her will and her mother's knowledge and confidence as to what she wants for her child.
How is this possible? Freedom in this country means over and over again the freedom to interfere with and fuck up someone else's life
CPS Childrens Protective Services