Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Saturday, January 26, 2019

No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes

If you don't know about this amazing organization with incredible humans providing humanitarian aid for desperate refugees fleeing violence, poverty, u.s. intervention and attempting to cross one of the most harsh, unforgiving desert environment in our country.

Recently nine volunteers were arrested by Border Patrol and four have been tried and convicted in the court that said 1) it's okay to allow human beings to die in the desert; and 2) it's okay to criminalize those providing water for humans.

We cannot allow this to continue. This is directly tied into tRump's increasing repression of immigrants and now of humanitarians.

The trials of the next five are going to happen this month - and the sentencing for the first four should happen before the end of February.

We cannot allow all our energy and/or focus be towards supporting these incredible volunteers - we need to keep focused on those who are dying in the desert and providing humanitarian aide - but we should also try to call the judge and No More Deaths to find out how to best support both their work and the arrestees!

Leaving water for humans lost in the desert is political???? to be continued

Today I'm going door-to-door - the real door-to-door, on foot, knocking - not my mobile version. And I'm going door-to-door trying to get residents to agree to put yard signs up.

You might not know that nine humanitarian aid workers have been arrested for leaving bottles of water in the desert.

Not just anywhere in any desert but in a harsh, unforgiving desert where over 300 bodies have been found in the past few years and many more suspected deaths unfound bodies. And along paths that aide workers suspect refugees might be traveling.

No More Deaths - No Mas Muertes - has been working for years setting up humanitarian aid stations around this desert, seeking both live and dead bodies, as well as providing legal and medical aide to human beings.

The nine people who were arrested were volunteers with No More Deaths. Four of them have been prosecuted and found guilty under tRump's amping up immigration policy to negatively impact volunteers as well as refugees.

So most people - if they were home at all - took a sign or had me put one up in their yard.

One white womon expressed her horror, eyes wide, shaking her head vigorously, when I told her No More Deaths volunteers had been arrested and convicted of leaving water in the desert and now face jail time and fines.

But when I asked her if she'd like to put up a sign in her yard, she shook her head just as emphatically, smiled and stated she doesn't want a "political" sign in her yard. I said in jaded surprise "this is not political, it is humanitarian."

"I'm not political" she claims broadening her smile.

"Well" I say, "I guess that's amerikkkan then." without a smile. "In my opinon" I add hastily as she closes her front door.

The only other negative interaction I had was with jehova witnesses, of all people. Maybe they felt threatened or thought I was competition.

I asked one of the womxxn if she wanted a yard sign to take for her home. She smiled politely, shaking her head and said "no thank you".

The other womon abruptly stomped towards me and