Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Unheard at McPherson

I have reluctantly put up the large CodePINK tent at McPherson because Ellen thinks we need a CodePINK presence here despite Medea's letting us know that we are REALLY unwelcome. Ellen also wants  to camp here.

The best thing about being on McPherson is that the tent is pitched at the busy corner of K and 15th streets and all our CodePINK finery is out for the viewing! We have the "END: $$$ for Wars; Tax breaks for the Wealth" hanging; and I painted a large banner today that says "STRIKE NOV 2, Solidarity with Occupy Oakland! End police brutality".

It is almost dark and getting very cold by the time I grab my computer and head along the Occupy, up K street towards an internet site. There is a half body life-sized painting of Scott Olsen hanging on the Media Tent, front and center for all to see.

I am HORRIFIED! It is Scott in a dress marine uniform with fuckin "semper fidelis" written in big letters across it.

Semper Fidelis my ass!

The same Scott that has already been brutally attacked by Oakland police 2 nites ago, scull fractured, and lies unconscious in the hospital.

This is so wrong on so many levels. First, Scott is an Iraq Veteran AGAINST WAR; 2nd, he is unconscious and I do NOT believe he would want to be portrayed as a marine in dress blues; 3rd, we are supposed to be non-violent - why hang a symbol of war and invaders in our camp, and for all passers-by to witness.

I go into the media tent and ask about the painting. I express my concern first about hanging a painting of a marine in dress uniform w/semper fidelis written across the pciture.

The white man standing closest to me says he doesn't see the problem with that. The couple other men standing or sitting high up, and one young white woman sitting cross-legged on the floor, remain engaged in their tasks, uninterested in this issue I am bringing to them.

I explain that I think Scott have a problem with being portrayed in this way. I let the men and one womon there know that I am from Oakland, I know IVAW, and I'm pretty SURE that Scott would not want to be represented in this way.

Later I find out that he started a website called something like "I HATE the marines!"

The only man who is talking to me attempts to dismiss me with "it is the artist's interpretation of Scott", as if that is a good explanation.

I ask, to this man's shrieking horror expression, that the painting be taken down until we can talk about it at a G.A., or I can speak with the artist and ask him to at the very least, add "IVAW" across the painting and remove the semper shit.

I am told by this man - the rest now silent in their agreement - that Scott's wife approved and sent the artist this picture. He continues to say that it is the artist's decision if he wants to remove the painting.

I ask how come the artist who doesn't even occupy here gets to decide if he should remove it and not the people who are participating here decide if we want it hanging?

I am stonily ignored.

Scott in dress blues stays. I take my leave, grateful I am sleeping in my truck.

Occupy Lafayette Park Oct 31st

Calling all Witches, Crones, and Sirens! And our allies!!! Help create a new occupation at Lafayette Park beginning October 31st! An occupation that:
  • recognizes the Military & Prison Industrial Complexes as the driving forces of our economy and race/class/sex system
  •  targets war & prison corporate profiteers   

  • seeks to create a totally different pie where no individual human being has less than any other human being
Further, we want to build the foundation for our occupation on the recognition and responsibility for the isms that we bring from the outer society including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, classism. 

We especially recognize we activists who have come to D.C. might be part of the 99% in the U.S. as a whole, but here in D.C. at this park, we are the 1% compared with the 99% poor and homeless people who occupied this place before we arrived.

We will attempt to role model for the larger society how the 1% shares with and reaches equity with the 99%.

We have a zero tolerance for overt racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, or any form of violence; and a 100% commitment to rectifying and making amends/reparations for covert isms and improving our non-violent behavioral and communication skills.

We struggle to recognize and grow beyond internalized isms. We who are the victims of isms also strive to protect ourselves and maintain our commitment to building community and activism in spite of facing these issues amongst us.

We are committed to being aware, raising consciousness, and making all the connections: from the tiniest part we play in caring for and protecting the Mother Earth and all life – so we are conscious of the choices we make around consumption of food, things, products – to the greatest part of undermining slave labor and genocide by determining how & where we spend our money and resources.

If this sounds good to you, please come join us at Lafayette Park, Washington D.C. from 6:00am on Monday, October 31st until we have succeeded in convincing enough U.S. people to come to D.C. and end the wars & prisons industrial complexes.

Attached is a quarter page GENERAL STRIKE flyer for Nov 2nd! Feel free to make another flyer for the back, download and print.