Do You Really Think....
Recently a well-known white female author wrote a book where the 15 year old main character is presented as a girl, when she's really a boy who has apparently undergone surgery (for he has sex with another boy 17 years old, who apparently has little experience with the female body he has to be told his partner is a boy) and is taking drugs, that eventually cause side-effects that cause him to stumble and fall down a flight of stairs and kill him.
This is my correspondence with this author:
Subject: Do u really think….
Email body:
....wanting to wear lipstick makes a book a girl? Let alone a castrated boy makes you a girl?
Do you really think any male who has had a minimum of contact with the female body can be so utterly clueless to think a hole constructed from penile tissue in any way can 'pass' as a vaginal opening?
Let alone dooming this child to never experience orgasm?
Do you really think putting that child on dangerous, life-ending drugs is a positive solution to gender disphoria & internalized homophobia? Or are you saying it's better than him directly ending his own life pre-drugs?
Men who identify as trans are NOT mostly murdered, let alone randomly murdered while walking down the street (that's the fate of females & sometimes gay men), but are mostly murdered, as are women, by their sex partners.
The saddest thing is that parents are terrified by "gender-affirming" 'professionals' who insist their child will commit suicide unless they willingly doom them to mutilating their healthy bodies & developing a life-long dependency on poisonous drugs. Not to mention the lies children are being force-fed that changing their sex is not only possible - & it is definitely not - but it's a positive attack on their bodies.
But the most infuriating thing is, Jodi, that you think so little of the sacred, amazing female body you actually believe how easily a castrated male on synthetic drugs makes you female. You are shameful and have internalized this latest version of misogyny.
Jodi Email Response:
And you, my friend, have no empathy in your body. Do you KNOW anyone trans? Perhaps before spouting such lies you should have a conversation with someone who has lived this life.
Sent from my iPhone
My Email Response:
Jodi - I appreciate your responding to my comments but I'm very disappointed you are not engaging in a conversation with me, not even making it clear what "lies" you believe I am spouting, let alone your avoiding addressing the issues I bring up by attacking my empathy level and assuming I do not know and/or have relationships with people who identify as trans.
Although you have made this about me instead of the points I raise, I'll answer you. Do u think I hvnt been 24/7 identifying, extracting & smashing internalized misogyny & heterosexism to liberate & empower myself, let alone fighting male & white violence my entire life? Do you think after surviving 7 plus decades as a lesbian, survivor of violence, single mother & grandmother in a Black family, living in let alone studying across every genre, culture, information and knowledge including grassroots & academic aspects, I do not have empathy for the targets of the heterosexism of misogyny?
I not only have empathy but I have spent my life smashing "sex" boxes constructed by society now the same box by a different name - "gender" -so that little girls can play soccer, fix cars, & wear pants without being shunned or told they must be boys, & now told they are trans? Or boys can dress in pink heels, wear makeup, & play the cello without being told they must be girls, & now trans?
For you to say do I "know any" just indicates how new & recent you are coming into this trans dominant agenda and trans people. The men in my life who identify as trans, as well as the womyn, know they cannot change their sex but can embrace any gender stereotype, identity, role they want WITHOUT making the surgical & pharmaceutical industry wealthier while destroying their bodies, undermining their physical health, making themselves sterile and a life-long dependency on drugs.
I thank the goddesses I was allowed the space & time to embark on that most difficult, painful journey of realizing that my hatred of my body and all things supposedly 'female', my deep obsession to become a boy was carefully taught, jammed down my throat with the food I was fed & the air I breathed.
You can jump off the "gender affirming" bandwagon that is running over women and girls - and actually hurting trans people (probably another discussion you don't want to have), and become gender critical without sacrificing trans people - nor women - to male violence and domination. I know you know misogyny is still rampant and is very skilled at disguising, hiding, etc. itself.
Maybe you will write a book with one of the hundreds of thousands of young girls who were pushed into making a decision as young as 10 or 12, or even 16 or 18, that they really didn't have the maturity and understanding of many things let alone sex to be able to do. It is the thing I admire about you Jodi, your ability to present those who are not you or your experience in a compassionate and true picture.
Jodi Email Response:
What you are spouting, frankly, are lies. No child can get HRT without careful therapy and years of coordinated efforts by medical professionals and parents. Also, being a boy in pink heels does not mean you’re trans — nor are boys told that. It sounds like you have had some pretty messed up personal experiences and for that, I feel truly sorry. But you cannot judge someone else’s life by your own. And there are indeed people who are born into bodies that do not match who they are. Yes, of course, there are people who detransition. But the sheer volume of people who do not transition — and who commit suicide instead — should suggest to you that this isn’t just misogyny on some level. Finally — MISOGYNY. I don’t feel like any less of a woman sharing a stage with a trans woman, who has had her own journey. I’m unclear why the existence of trans women would make you feel like any less of a woman.
My Email Response:
Which are the lies you think I'm spouting?
Interesting that you say wearing pink heels doesn't make you trans - yet the boy (and his parents) in this story believes and is taught his desire to wear makeup makes him a girl.
Are you so totally sure that no child can get HRT without careful therapy and years of coordinated efforts by medical professionals and parents? Have you documented such a claim? Because I have - and many other people have. As a mother, goddess mother, and grandmother do you think I am making up the danger to youth as young as 4 and 5 years old who are being transitioned? The laws that are allowing young teens to transition without informing parents let alone getting parental permission?
You must know that lesbian and gay children have ALWAYS been at higher risk for committing suicide than any other groups of their peers. There is absolutely no evidence that a child who goes thru the intense surgical and drug protocol of transitioning have a lowered risk of suicide then those who do not. But it definitely is a parental fear that the "gender affirming" professionals manipulate and prey on.
I read, research, and spend a good portion of my life traveling around the country and talking with mostly young womyn and girls. I am not pulling facts out of the atmosphere but out of tons of research that myself and others have done over the past TWENTY years. Do you really feel certain and qualified to make the statistical statements you are claiming as real?
And just so we're clear, no man has the power to be even close to as much of a woman as I - and you are - although I know it is a loudly proclaimed mantra by certain men who identify as trans who believe they make better women then women.
Thank you for your continuing correspondence.
Jodi Email Response
Well, first, the lie that in my novel a “boy and his parents” are taught that his desire to wear makeup makes him a girl. That is not what makes Lily trans. If that is what you gleaned from this story you’re mistaken — and you are the only person since publication to think so. What makes Lily trans is that she is born that way. The makeup, the shoes — that is all just cultural representation.
Yes, I actually do have the statistics to back up my claims. So does HRC or any LGBTQ organization.
Why do you think LGBTQ youth have more risk for committing suicide than others? Could it POSSIBLY be because people like you cannot accept them for who they are?
I can tell you that I have spent the last 45 days in the company of a trans woman and I do not feel in any way unsafe, nor do I think she is not actually a woman — nor does her existence threaten my womanhood. Can you say the same?
What makes you a woman? Is it having a uterus? Is it giving birth? Having XX chromosomes? Surely you know that there are women that YOU would categorize as women who do not have these things. So how do you KNOW you’re a woman? I urge you to ask yourself this. As is said in my novel - maybe being a woman simply means NOT being a man.
I do not think that you and I will come to an agreement regarding this. I wish you well, but honestly do not wish to continue this conversation, as you are not going to change my mind and I am not going to change yours. Please do not continue to write me.
My Email Response:
Subject: Thank U: Re:Do u really think…
Exactly Jodi - those gender characteristics are mere cultural representations - created & perpetuated by u.s.ofa. heterosexist misogynist cultural that defines "woman" as those socially constructed representations in order to control & dominate females - & place dominance & control over women - & children - into male hands.
The fact that Leo/Lily wants to embrace those cultural representations in order to attract & have sex with boys makes him homosexual. The fact that strate people want to pass him off as a girl instead of a gay son, makes them homophobic. The fact that the mother is hiding her child's sex & forcing him to try to pass as female, makes her transphobic.
You spent 45 days with one trans identified male person, I've spent 55 YEARS - & not just with trans people around my community, family, life but also NOT as a strate woman.
You say uterus, you say giving birth, you say xx chromosomes as if these are the most insignificant & uncherished things in life instead of the most sacred, miraculous, valuable, magical treasures we have on the entire planet.
So you do know what a woman is. The fact that you bring up feelings of "unsafe" & "less than" is actually a projection, as you have already undermined your - & all - womanhood by accepting the lie that anyone can become a woman with a few drugs, 'elective' surgery & lots of makeup.
I will not write back to you - or rather I'll wait for the day in the future when you will write back to me, when you understand what I've been trying to show you.
In sisterhood & honoring women, Xan
p.s. be careful claiming allyship with such organizations as the HRC, Stonewall, etc, as they have been infiltrated & taken over by those trans-domination agenda men (not the men who claim female gender while knowing they are men). Lesbians & gays who do not agree that people can change their sex (thereby making same-sex attraction irrelevant) have been routinely kicked out of our own organizations, at best, & lesbians have also been threatened with rape, death, axe & gun violence at worse.