#59 Campaign and '07 Summer of Protest
There were 59 Dems who recently voted AGAINST the resolution to support a timeline to get us out of Iraq. Sorry as that timeline was, it was at least a weak statement that Dems were NOT going to totally buy the war - just in itsy bits and pieces.
It is unconscionable that any democrat would not support a timeline & I will be working with local CodePINK chapters holding their Congresspeople accountable. We will be doing "Peace-Ins" across the country at the homes, offices, churches, events & appearances of these 59 Dems, asking them to tell us why? And making them face us, hear our objections, and work at influencing them to change their vote to reflect the anti-war sentiment of their constituents.
If you're interested in doing a Peace-In at your Congressperson's office with me and you're along my beaten path, please email!
I am also driving around the country spreading the word about " 07 Summer of Protest" from July 4th to Labor Day!
It's up to US to shut down the war!