How is this even possible?
But then the occasional ... what to call those people who are obviously so absent in any kind of deep thought or connectivity. I'm not talking about the people who are not wearing masks or gloves.
I'm talking about the people who are continuing the assault on Mother Earth as they spray pesticides or dump herbicides on their plants and yards. REALLY????
I have to ask them why they are doing this horrible thing? I ask why they do not see the connection between this nasty virus snuffing out lives and these toxic poison they are letting loose in our environment?
I just can't understand how this is possible and I have to fight a wave of despair. I want to look upon this pandemic as a time for us in this country to not just closely examine our pre-c.v.19 "life as usual" but to even more vital, be willing to change, to prioritize protecting life instead of participating in the wanton destruction of life.
MAKE the fuckin CONNECTIONS! If this c.v.19 doesn't inspire us to RISE UP collectively and work to ensure life continues on our planet, I deeply fear nothing will. Perhaps I shouldn't say this for how many times in the past have I witnessed something and just knew people of this country would never allow this to continue, only to find out I was wrong.
I am a member of those people who are willing to sacrifice human beings in order for the earth to survive but only CAPITALIST human beings, not those humans - as in 2/3rds of the world's humans - who survive on $2/day or less.