Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Calling all non-arctic Water Protectors! Come to Texas ASAP!

If ur a committed Water Protector but unable 2 survive the arctic conditions of Standing Rock, you are NEEDED in Texas (70+degree days, 50-60's at nite!) to help prevent, halt, & dismantle both the ETP & Apache Oil Corporation pipelines & fracking sites!

Come 2 El Paso, Balmorhea, and in Big Bend National Park Alpine & Presidio, Texas!!! TODAY!!!

1st Nation people are setting up Water Protector camps all over Texas along several Black Snake pipelines & fracking sites: ETP & cohorts are attempting 2 push the Trans-Pecos pipeline thru El Paso to Juarez while Apache Oil (also an ETP affiliate - NOTHING 2 do with 'Apaches' except rubbing poison in2 genocidal wounds) thru western Texas where they r threatening 2 drill 3,500-4000 fracking sites & have them operating by June.

The ETP claims the Trans-Pecos line in 90% built - does that sound familiar??? Same as DAPL claims, but Water Protectors are setting up camp along the route and on both sides of the border as you read this.
And as a Native person at Standing Rock said "just because the pipeline has been laid doesn't necessarily mean the oil is going to flow".

A 150+ miles east of El Paso, Apache Oil is racing ahead in their attempt to quickly frack oil & natural gas in one of Texas' most pristine - as in unscathed by the oil barrons up 2 now - and diverse unique desert land where the most recent 'discovery' of 15 billion barrels of oil and gas lays untouched in this beautiful natural springs, abundant ground water & aquifers ecosystem.

Apache Oil Corp has bragged about how easy this area can be exploited, how rapidly they can drill & extract fossil fuels, & without any residential or community resistance.

We MUST stop them. And stop them now. Before they start drilling their thousands of sites and in the next several months.

Not only is this expansive wondrous land home 2 many springs & abundant aquifers, despite being a high desert, but it is home 2 at least three endangered species of fish that we know about.

There has been NO environmental impact study, no EPA involvement, no community 'buy-in', even though one of the largest springs is on federal lands, another on state land and many on private lands.

We are told people here who own land only own the surface rights and not the underground mineral rights.
Apache Oil went sneaking around buying up those mineral rights which enables them 2 set up their drills anywhere. They are invoking "eminent domain" (as ETP is in North Dakota) which in & of itself is a travesty: "eminent domain" is supposed 2 b by the government for the good of the people, not by private corporations for the greed of the CEO's, 'investors' and stock holders.

Remember, when u come, to come in prayer & action holding all life sacred, following the leadership of First Nation people, committed 2 protecting the water. No drugs, alcohol or weapons. Bring ur own utensils, plates, cups, WATER BOTTLE, tents, camping gear. NO PLASTIC. Be prepared to haul out whatever u haul in. There is no recycling or garbage here.

Leave ur pets at home. This land is full of wild four leggeds, snakes, raptors, creatures - respect their homes.
Check out the fb pages of Camp Toyahvale - Council of Texas Tribes and Save Our Springs Too for more info.

Here are some of the living things threatened by fracking: can u c how clear the water is? Do u c the most ancient looking turtles ever?