Do you want an ocean?
Do the math. How many fewer miles have you driven this year than last year, then the year before, going back 9 years?
How many less plastic bags are you now using? How much plastic have you refused to purchase?
How many petroleum-based products including toiletries, cleaning products, etc., have you refused to buy?
If war, torture, rape, destruction of other people's countries and the U.S. soldiers who are the perpetrators of violence hasn't dissuaded you from participating in our oil gluttonry, how about saving the ocean?
What oil products are you willing to forego in order to have an ocean???
People: what are you thinking? Even the ocean is expendable as long as we have our houses, our jobs, our careers, our 2.5 kids, our schools? Don't look around for the poorest of this nation. I'm talking US.
Is this the thing that will inspire YOU out onto the streets saying NO to oil, to the attacks on life especially humans, to the destruction of our mother earth???