to the wimmin of amador county:
It seems
there has been a huge mistake on your parts - you have totally
misunderstood what CodePINK is and what CodePINK stands for - and who
the wimmin are in CodePINK - at least my understanding of CodePINK &
I have been working in CodePINK for over 4 years now.
you think telling your stories about who said what to whom and when and
how is any reflection on CodePINK, you are really sadly mistaken.
emails & stories and missives you are writing here say
something about one thing only - and that is yourselves =- each and
every one of you. It is only up to YOU to make your chapter viable,
responsible, pleasant, etc - or whatever you want to make it, including
squabbling, hateful, etc.etc.etc.
In my understanding, CodePINK is not about taking sides; CodePINK is not about telling
stories about other wimmin; CodePINK is not about pointing the finger and spouting off about another womon.
any one of you have said about any other womon, is more of a reflection
upon your own selves than that womon you are pointing the finger at.
CodePINK - I think you should be ashamed of yourselves and of
presenting yourselves in this way to other CodePINK chapters & to
national CodePINK.
CodePINK is about learning
how to work together, valuing each other, and putting aside those
differences that annoy, upset, or in any other way are a detriment to
working together.
How dare you claim you are
for peace when all I have heard is hate, anger, recriminations spouted
at wimmin I don't even know - not that I know any of you very well. Nor
do you obviously know me.
I am a volunteer
CodePINK, just like you are. I do not have the time, energy, or desire
to listen to you wimmin berate each other, fight amongst each other, try
to belittle each other's work - I do NOT want to hear who has done what
to whom and when.
If you have truly done good works, your works will speak for you - NOT your words.
I don't know what you are thinking about. We have a WAR to end. You
should be putting so much of your time & energy into doing that, you
don't have time for this.
What did you do for
Mother's Day in Amador County? This is our time to heed our
foremother's call, to leave home, gather together & figure out how
to have peace in our world.
If you wimmin of
Amador County cannot read that proclamation & be inspired to put all
yuor time, energy, love, efforts into do something for peace today, I
can't imagine how you will
be inspired!
Almost every other CodePINK
chapter around the country did a march over a bridge, or a movie, or a
picnic, or a 5 minute peace, 10 minute wailing,something - I want to
hear from Amador County the actions you did to end war. I do NOT want to
hear who doesn't like whom, who should be or shouldn't be on whose list
or not.
Tomorrow, Cindy Sheehan has put out
the call for us to surround Congress, demand NO MORE FUNDING WAR, and
10's of 1000's of wimmin have heeded this call, and are willing to get
arrested & jailed.
We in the Bay Area have made our own replica of Congress that we are taking to Union Square to surround.
want to hear what the wimmin of Amador County are doing to add your
voices to the 10's of thousands around the country. I want to see
pictures of your actions. I want to hear report backs of how you stood,
vibrant &
hot pink for peace - whether there's one of you, 2 or 20. And whether
you have to stand in opposite sides of the county.
is YOUR challenge to find a way to work with every single womon who is
willing to work for peace - as it is ALL of our challenges.
ALL have individuals we find it challenging to work with. But guess
what, let us not be so self-centered - it is hard, we are Americans, it
is our way - but let us put aside our pettiness and remember the big
picture - how many wimmin, children, men in Iraq have been KILLED the
time it has taken you to read this? Pretend your mother, your son, YOUR
SELF is the next to be killed, and get in gear PLEASE!
many people could we have influenced to end war, had we put our energy
into organizing a march on the streets of Amador County today.
have a HUGE challenge ahead of you. YOU have to model for
the rest of the cities, the county, the state, the nation, the world,
how the inidividual wimmin in Amador County will rise to the challenge
of working together to end war.
I do not have
another ounce of energy to deal with words about past injustices and I
will NOT take sides with any of you - I am on the side of peace, of
harmony, of collaboration and cooperation.
not saying it is easy to find a way to work in peace. I'm saying it is
our only choice. So let's do it -or we can never expect anyone else to
do it.
CodePINK wimmin are the leaders - please embrace that and start leading, stop rehashing.
am willing to work with anyone or talk with anyone about organizing an
action, a chapter, a WITS= any action. I am NOT willing to talk more
about one womon vs another. There is so much war to do, we need EVERYONE
who is willing to work - the
others who are not simply need to be left behind.
Peace, Zanne Sam Joi