Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Saturday, September 07, 2013

OCCUPY War Mongers’ Offices

Monday 8.a.m. September 9th

·        SF Federal Building, 7th & Mission St, SF (Civic Center BART): Pelosi
·        1 Post St, Montgomery & Market Sts, SF (Montgomery BART): Feinstein
·        70 Washington St, Jack London Square, Oakland: Boxer

We’ve called, signed petitions, sent faxes and emails, marched and written letters, facebooked & twittered.

And sadly but true, it’s not enough! We MUST do more if we are to prevent war against Syria – which we CAN do if we ACT NOW!

NOW it’s time to OCCUPY the war mongers’ offices! Feinstein, Pelosi, and Boxer – all three of our state’s representatives have vowed to disavow all our “NO STRIKE AGAINST SYRIA” demands and are promising to side with Obama and vote for war.

We can NOT allow this to happen in our name! Come OCCUPY their offices until they vow to represent us, the people, and vote “NO STRIKE ON SYRIA”.

We can NOT wait – Congress returns to session on Monday. They could rush the vote and then our window of opportunity to act slams shut if we’re not in their offices!

And this, my commadres, compadres, this is our BEST opportunity we’ve had to prevent war in decades!

So PLEASE, on this day, do not make work or school or daily life more important than taking ACTION to prevent another war!!!

Outside the bay area? Zoe Lofgren, Mike Honda, Doris Matsui, and on and on have NOT committed to follow the will of the people and vote NO WAR ON SYRIA. OCCUPY their offices. Or whomever your representative is, OCCUPY if they are not committed 1000% to vote NO!

If you are able and willing, go to Washington D.C. Join others and OCCUPY Congress there!

Call 510-540-7007 and commit to an OCCUPY!

If you can hand out flyers on Sunday, please call. If you can come to the University Ave overpass and banner for an hour, two hours, however long tomorrow, Sunday between 3-7, PLEASE come by and/or call!

Final organizing meeting tomorrow, Sunday, 6:`15p.m. outside at Sea Breeze Market, 598 University Ave, 51 ac transit bus

Please SHARE, email, text – spread the word! It’s up to US to get the word out & BE THERE!