Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Monday, December 05, 2011

From Occupy to Occupy: Atlanta to Oakland

I am going to attempt to connect with lots of (un)Occupies from Atlanta to Oakland. I want to check out what is happening, cull the good ideas and successful actions, spread the anti-racist word, connect with womonists/feminists, and see if people are interested in gathering in D.C. beginning March 8th.

If you are participating in any of these (un)Occupies and want to arrange for a Racism Awareness Workshop geared for white occupiers and/or an Everything You've Never Wanted to Know about Drones Workshop, just let me know. Email or call 404-853-9990

Here is my tentative schedule starting Wednesday, December 7th:

Atlanta to Huntsville – 4 hours
1) 12/7 Wednesday afternoon Huntsville

Huntsville to Birmingham – 2 hours
2) 12/7 Wednesday nite Birmingham

Birmingham to Mobile – 4 hours
3) 12/8 Thursday early am Mobile

Mobile to Biloxi/Gulfport – 1 hour 20 minutes
4) 12/8 Thursday am Biloxi/Gulfport

Gulfport to New Orleans – 1.5 hours
5) 12/8 Thursday afternoon New Orleans

New Orleans to Jackson – 3 hours
6) 12/9 Friday noon Jackson

Jackson to Shreveport – 4 hours
7) 12/9 Friday eve Shreveport

Shreveport to Texarkana – 1 hr, 20 min
8) 12/10 Saturday amTexarkana

Texarkana to Dallas – 3 hours
9) 12/10 Saturday afternoon Dallas

Dallas to Ft Worth – 1 hour
10) 12/10 Saturday evening Ft Worth

Ft Worth to Austin – 3 hours
11) 12/11 Sunday morning Austin

Austin to Houston – 3 hours
13) 12/12 Monday SHUT DOWN HOUSTON ports

Houston to Abilene – 7 hours
14) 12/13 TuesdayAbilene

Abilene to Lubbock – 3 hours
15) 12/14 Wednesday am Lubbock

Lubbock to Amarillo – 2 hours
16) 12/14 Wednesday pm Amarillo

Amarillo to Albuquerque
17) 12/15 Thursday am Albuquerque

So that's all I have thus far. PLEASE feel free to contribute to help me make this trip. I was unable to secure the work I needed to pay for the veggie oil and/or biodiesel to make it home. Also, if you know of any waste veggie oil or biodiesel along my beaten path, please let me know.

More police brutality