I am going to attempt to connect with lots of (un)Occupies from Atlanta to Oakland. I want to check out what is happening, cull the good ideas and successful actions, spread the anti-racist word, connect with womonists/feminists, and see if people are interested in gathering in D.C. beginning March 8th.
If you are participating in any of these (un)Occupies and want to arrange for a Racism Awareness Workshop geared for white occupiers and/or an Everything You've Never Wanted to Know about Drones Workshop, just let me know. Email or call 404-853-9990
Here is my tentative schedule starting Wednesday, December 7th:
Atlanta to Huntsville – 4 hours
1) 12/7 Wednesday afternoon Huntsville
Huntsville to Birmingham – 2 hours
2) 12/7 Wednesday nite Birmingham
Birmingham to Mobile – 4 hours
3) 12/8 Thursday early am Mobile
Mobile to Biloxi/Gulfport – 1 hour 20 minutes
4) 12/8 Thursday am Biloxi/Gulfport
Gulfport to New Orleans – 1.5 hours
5) 12/8 Thursday afternoon New Orleans
New Orleans to Jackson – 3 hours
6) 12/9 Friday noon Jackson
Jackson to Shreveport – 4 hours
7) 12/9 Friday eve Shreveport
Shreveport to Texarkana – 1 hr, 20 min
8) 12/10 Saturday amTexarkana
Texarkana to Dallas – 3 hours
9) 12/10 Saturday afternoon Dallas
Dallas to Ft Worth – 1 hour
10) 12/10 Saturday evening Ft Worth
Ft Worth to Austin – 3 hours
11) 12/11 Sunday morning Austin
Austin to Houston – 3 hours
13) 12/12 Monday SHUT DOWN HOUSTON ports
Houston to Abilene – 7 hours
14) 12/13 TuesdayAbilene
Abilene to Lubbock – 3 hours
15) 12/14 Wednesday am Lubbock
Lubbock to Amarillo – 2 hours
16) 12/14 Wednesday pm Amarillo
Amarillo to Albuquerque
17) 12/15 Thursday am Albuquerque
So that's all I have thus far. PLEASE feel free to contribute to help me make this trip. I was unable to secure the work I needed to pay for the veggie oil and/or biodiesel to make it home. Also, if you know of any waste veggie oil or biodiesel along my beaten path, please let me know.