Fierce Voter Pink Tea Party: "What Have Women Done?
We have an exciting and inspiring (with your help) program lined up, beginning with our displays of our highlites and accomplishments of 2007 - so remember to bring your photos, visuals, banners, whatever else to share!
We have all kinds of great entertainment: musicians Becky Lyman on harpsichord and Betsy Rose with her guitar; dancing with Dolores Helman; and a cello storyteller, maybe a comedian, a spoken word artist!
Several special guests including Ann Wright, CodePINKers from as far away as Indiana and Washington, the war tax resisters, and M.R.S. Initiative Team!
We will conclude with "What Will Womyn Do?" for 2008! Brainstorming our actions, breaking into action work groups.
Bring an organic (if possible) dish to share for the potluck brunch. Also, we have tons of bagels donated - bring schmears, avocado, etc!
Bring yourself, your com madres, but most important, just BE THERE!
Redwood Gardens, 2951 Derby St, Berkeley