White Supremacy, Racism, Patriarchy - alive & well at Freedom Plaza!
The driving force here on the plaza is one of grasping at "color-blindness", avoidance of critical examining the "isms" that we bring with us, and not wanting to be committed to building a foundation that recognizes, commits great resources to abolishing, and has a ZERO tolerance for the "isms".
Instead, I am seen as "divisive" and the oppressions I witness and challenge, including racism, sexism, homophobia, are reduced to "my personal problems".
The organizers especially are taking the stance that mentioning the "isms", pointing out inequities, striving for a valuing of diverse voices is my personal issues that are "interfering" with our "real" work.
I am very saddened and feel quite alone now that Kevyn, my strong ally and support, has left for California. I am committed to raising consciousness as compassionately as I am able but I don't think the "others" appreciate the act of love it takes for me to face their attacks and respond with attempting to engage in dialogue and build understanding.