Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 days of actions MRS

We have an exciting and herstoric week coming up as we introduce our Military Recruiting Zoning Ordinance Initiative restricting where recruiting can take place - an Initiative that has national implications as well!
This is our calendar for the next 5 days:
  Saturday, Jan 26th 9:00a.m. Initiative Signature Gathering Training: we need to collect 5000 signatures of registered Berkeley voters in the next two months. We'll make a plan, learn the ins and outs of Initiative signature gathering, and develop a timeline. CodePINK Office, 1248 Solano Ave , Albany . 510-524-2776
  Saturday, Jan 26th 12:00p.m. noon Banner & Poster Making Party: Let's have a work party and create colorful signs and banners for both LAST " Sorry State of the Union Speak Out" and the Military Recruiting Zoning Ordinance Initiative coming up Wednesday with the Debate between Medea Benjamin and Melanie Morgan. Bring food to share! Materials provided! CodePINK Office at Global Exchange, 2017 Mission St , SF, 16th St BART Call 404-561-1233 if you have trouble getting in
Monday, Jan 28th 5:30p.m. LAST Sorry State of the Union Speak Out The only way to 'stomach' Bush is in a room full of CodePINKers - we've got lots of creative and empowering CodePINK trademark ways to handle his sorry words & messages. We listen, we analyze immediately after. Tommy's Joynt, 1011 Geary Blvd at Van Ness. Then we march to the Veterans War Memorial Building where we will read the names of the Iraq war dead. Farewell Bush Regime!
  Tuesday, Jan 29th 7:00p.m. Berkeley City Council Meeting This is the first time Council will be considering an Initiative brought by the Peace & Justice Commission to deal with the Marine Recruitment Station that shockingly opened in Berkeley last January. Your hot pink presence is vital, as we stand strong for ending occupation in Iraq and against right-wing backlash. The Council meetings are held in the Maudelle Shirek Building , 2134 MLK Jr. Way at the corner of Allston Way, Berkeley
  Wednesday, Jan 30th 10:00a.m. Military Recruiting Zoning Ordinance Initiative Press Conference and Rally We launch our herstoric campaign to refine zoning for military recruiting in the city of Berkeley - and all over the nation! Come witness and be part of this herstoric moment!  Following the press conference, there will be speakers and performers prior to the debate in front of the M.R.S., Marine Recruiting Station , 64 Shattuck Square (on Shattuck Ave just south of University where Shattuck runs one-way north), Berkeley
  Wednesday, Jan 30th 12:00 noon: Medea Benjamin, CodePINK, debates Melanie Morgan, KFSO right-wing talk show host and Move America Forward We have scheduled an exciting debate between Medea and Melanie on the merits of further regulating where military recruiting can take place in a city! We also hope our other invited debaters Richard Lund, recruiter at the M.R.S., and Aimee Allison, veteran, will join this debate M.R.S. (Marine Recruiting Station), 64 Shattuck Square (on Shattuck Ave just south of University where Shattuck runs one-way north)