Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Kicked off facebook AGAIN challenging racism...

I'm only grateful I got to post my upcoming readings and invite folks before facebook caught up with the post I sent out a couple dayz ago when I learned about the white people in a Georgia voting district that is over 60% Black deciding to eliminate all but one or two polling places for the upcoming gubernatorial race where Stacy Abrams is running.

Georgia has NEVER had a Black governor, even with a 30% Black population, and never had a female governor period: in fact only TWO states have had Black male governors ever and only 42 white womyn in the entire country have ever been governors period.

So I posted the article about the fuckin white people of Georgia wanting to prevent Black people from voting for fierce, kickass, more than progressive Stacey Abrams. And I got blocked again, this time for 3 days!

Last month I got blocked for pointing out that since January 2018 until July 2018, 154 mass murders were committed: not ONE by a womon, not ONE by a man of color but ALL by white men: white men are the MOST VIOLENT in our country.

This was against "facebook community": and how was/is that? Our country, including facebook is SOOOOO invested in keeping the violence of white men hidden while portraying Black men as vicious, violent murderers, they had to kick me off for pointing out the obvious truth.

This time, calling out voter suppression as a white conspiracy is also against the image of white people in this country: whites have to believe that Black and brown people have the right to vote, period. White people don't want to hear about the intentional (nor even the unintentional) ways in which Black and brown vote is suppressed.

Because then we'd have to do something about it - and that's the LAST thing those in power want from us, doing something about racism!

Somethin about the womyn...

The wonderful womyn of Des Moines have not only set up readings/gatherings/discussions for me, but a sweet couple has opened up their home to me, welcomed me, and are taking such good care of me making sure I have everything I need, making sure I am comfortable and supported in this city of my birth.

I have a reading this evening at a lesbian-owned cafe Ritual and tomorrow evening we are having a potluck (of course - we're lesbians!) picnic and then my reading!

I'm soooooooo looking forward to connecting with all these womyn.

And I'm wondering if I have any relatives left in this town. My dad was an Iowa farm boy who had to quit school in 1929 when he was 12 to work to try unsuccessfully to save the family farm. I'm not sure when the farm went under cause I also remember staying at a farm once when we visited Iowa and my sister and I had to keep the chickens my dad was butchering (cutting off their heads) from running down the outside stairs to the root cellar. Hmmmm