Non-violent but non-compliant!
He is right, we are not compliant with war, with drones, with the occupation of another's country for our corporate gain.
Two white military soldiers, very young, very small, very lost, stand in front of the gate holding automatic rifles, dressed in long sleeved uniforms with pants tucked into tall black boots, and several other weapons attached to their belts.
One young man stays with us as we are moved behind a barrier, across the frontage road to the base, and cut off visually from the rest of our group of protesters.
I ask him many questions that he says he cannot answer. He does answer a few, like he has been in the military for 3 years and he's not from Nevada, he's been to Iraq. He has two little stripes and sweat pours down his face as he shifts his weight from foot to foot.
I wonder outloud if he would be willing to kill us too should his commanding officer order it. He cannot answer but he looks startled.
Another highway patrol officer has landed and this one not at all as nice as the first one. He grabs one of the men, takes him to the side of the barricade, and handcuffs him behind his back.
We protest to no avail. Soon a couple of other officers show up with the paddy wagon. We are all given tickets and then handcuffed.
Several other military soldiers show up. I begin to read the open letter to them as I try to give them a copy.
The officers then move quickly to place us inside the paddywagon, non-violent but vocal and non-compliant!