It's oatmeal, coffee, and bagels this morning at the rest stop as disengage ourselves from bunk beds, the floor, and top of the collapsed seats of the van. We calculate the miles we need to go to arrive in Phoenix in time to do our first indoor presentation and figure out we have enough time to head to our host Ben's house first.
Ben stands in her driveway and greets us as we drive up. She has a 2 bedroom house that she is graciously sharing with us. We pile in, select and set up our beds, wolf down the vegetarian chilli Ben has made before hopping back into the truck and expo to head to Puente, a lovely community center that works with undocumented folks as well as survivors of domestic violence.
Kim has bottom-lined this gathering and we sit in a circle and begin our presentation. We receive bucket loads of positive feedback and support from
the wonderful Phoenix participants! They especially comment on how great the format worked for them.
And we sold one of the wonderful Marissa Caravan posters that Molly Jane created
for us and collected $18 in cash donations!
We head back to Ben's home, exhausted but really happy!