This morning's brief opportunity
Two are old, one skinny, one fat, one younger buff fellow.
They all end up on my truck's anti-monsanto side. One talks about how he despises GMO food and before he goes out to eat, he calls a restaurant - actually he calls all the restaurants in town - and asks them if they serve GMO food!
I applaud and encourage his action. He asks us when we are going to label GMO food, which leads us into a discussion of why label, why not BAN GMO food. Other countries have done it, so can we.
The buff man wants to know if I isn't it enough I text and email, blog and facebook? I have to instadance also?
He turns out to be committed to healthy living and wants to record me talking about monsanto, gmo's and eating healthy in 15 second sound bytes.
REALLY? I do try - and as always, I'm now thinking what I COULD have said, which is only good for what I will say for the next time. If I can speak in 7 second sound bytes for tv, surely I can do 15 second sound bytes.
I get to tell all the guys about the Grannies Respond caravan, which no one has heard of - UFB. But they all heard about refugee children being separated from parents and incarcerated.
THIS state - Pennsylvania - has one of the 3 such prisons in the nation. 3 so far - u know tRump et al are negotiating the building of several more... I encourage them to go to Reading and stand outside Berg until it is shut down. The all nod slowly and say "maybe I will!"
I'm glad I'm wearing my "Abolish Prison" tshirt this a.m.