Code Pink Journals CodePINK Journals

Work 4 Peace,Hold All Life Sacred,Eliminate Violence! I am on my mobile version of the door-to-door, going town-to-town holding readings/gatherings/discussions of my book "But What Can I Do?" This is my often neglected blog mostly about my travels since 9/11 as I engage in dialogue and actions. It is steaming with my opinions, insights, analyses toward that end of holding all life sacred, dismantling the empire and eliminating violence while creating the society we want ALL to thrive in

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Quarter Page Info Sheet: "Puberty Blockers Are Child Abuse. PERIOD" one side; and "Equality" Act: allowing men into women's spaces = MISOGYNY

This is the third set of quarter page info sheets - contact me for the original sheet to download and copy 

Side #1 of third quarter page info sheet:

Puberty Blockers Are Child Abuse. PERIOD.


WHY are we allowing the medical and mental health industries to not just lie to our children but to make thousands of dollars off mutilating their healthy body parts and tethering them to a life-long dependency on the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment. Follow the money.


“Blocking” puberty means destroying the natural healthy maturation of a child’s body: something she or he will NEVER recover nor be able to continue with, once stopped. Puberty will not restart.


Girls’ bodies are put into immediate MENOPAUSE; boys bodies are chemically castrated


EVERY cell in our bodies contain our sex chromosomes that wait to get the signal during puberty and ALL THRU LIFE to grow, mature, function properly: therefore, these drugs interfere with cognitive abilities, normal bone mineralization, infertility, maturation of sex organs, sexual pleasure, increase stroke risk, increase likelihood of dementia – and more


NO ONE can change their sex; ANYONE can embrace, abandon, or create any gender presentation he or she wants, without threat, discrimination, ridicule.


A phalloplasty is not a penis; castrating males does not make them female.


Why are we paying for female genital mutilation and amputation of a girl’s breasts before those breasts even have the opportunity to naturally develop?


You cannot change sex: you can mutilate the hell out of your genitals, but you can’t change the sex chromosomes that are all throughout the human body, brain, toenails etc


Transitioning bodies ONLY benefit surgeons and pharmaceutical companies

Side #2

“Equality” Act: allowing men into women’s spaces = MISOGYNY


The present “equality act” opens women’s sports, women’s spaces, women’s scholarships, women’s opportunities – designed to combat sexism – to men.


“Equality” act takes away the rights of women and girls to merely acknowledge biological facts and say those facts in public.


“Equality” act forces girls and women to see and accept boys and men as women and girls; and says something is wrong with us when we refuse to deny biology as well as our sex class if we don’t submit to this fantasy.


“Equality”act conflates gender with sex thereby eliminating protections based on both sex and sexual orientation.


“Equality” act makes “gender identity” a legal thing instead of providing protections for gender non-conforming folks


“Equalty” act destroys the rights of young female athletes to compete solely against females, destroying the intent and purpose Title IX, which was fought for and secured in 1972 – so for less than 50 years girls and women have had rights based on our sex.


Men’s claim to be women, does not entitle them to women’s spaces, women’s sports teams – and definitely does not entitle them to call themselves women and force others to play along with this delusion                                           


It is NOT necessary, fair, nor desirable to provide protection for gender non-conforming 

Quarter page info sheet: "Biological FACT is not BIGOTRY" one side; "You May Be Hearing It Said..." the other side

 Again, contact me for original 4 up sheets to make flyers from & I will email to you

Side #1 second flyer

Biological FACT is not BIGOTRY


Females are conceived as a female zygote with those xx chromosomes, develop as a female fetus, are born with female anatomy, survive girlhood and grow into a woman. Females cannot ever, never, ever become a man. Males are conceived as male zygote, with those xy chromosomes, develop as a male fetus, are born with male anatomy, grow through boyhood into men. Males can never ever ever become a woman.



Women do not have to ‘transition’ to be women, we are born that way. Sex is determined at conception: gender is ‘assigned’ at birth and continued throughout life to enforce a racist, sexist patriarchy.


Men’s claim to be women does not entitle them to women’s spaces, women’s sports teams, women’s services – and definitely does not entitle them to call themselves women and force others to play along with this delusion, at best; worse, an appropriation of female class by the perpetrator of violence and domination of women and girls.


Conflating sex with gender is misogyny: sex is a biological fact; gender is a social construct based on sex, meant to define and control through stereotypes, roles, domination and subjugation, both women and men.                                    


Saying men cannot be women is NOT PROMOTING VIOLENCE. Threatening womenwith rape, death, abuse, doxing, canceling, pushing and shoving IS VIOLENCE


Resources: Youtube: You’re Kidding Right?

Side #2 Second flyer

You May Be Hearing It Said….


·         Transwomen are women or TWAW – FALSE

If a man or boy identifies with and is more comfortable with the society’s sex-based stereotypical ‘female gender’ presentation, this does not alter his dna one little bit: he remains a boy or man.


·         You can be born in the “wrong body” – FALSE

NO ONE is born in the ‘wrong body’. Everyone retains their natal sex – no matter how many genital mutilation surgeries, how many toxic artificial hormones, how closely you’re able to embrace and pass as a female or male gender stereotype, how many women you bully and silence, your natal sex remains the same as the day you were conceived.


·         Women and girls who protect and support female-only spaces, sports, services

are transphobic unless they ‘include’ men/boys who identify as women or girls – FALSE

Championing the rights of women and girls, centering and empowering females, providing safe space free from male intrusion, is not about men nor their rights.


·         Sex is ‘assigned’ at birth – FALSE

Sex is determined at conception; GENDER is the only thing assigned at birth, beginning with the pink or blue blanket, and continues to grow with what society determines to be ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’




Quarter page info sheet: "Feminism in the age of misogyny" one side; "All Things Feminist" other side

Message me or leave request in comments if you want the 4 up, two sided original to make flyers from - send your email so I can email it to you.

Here's the first one: 

Side #1, first flyer

Feminism in this age of misogyny

Do you know that women who are merely raising our voices about something that is wrong are getting attacked? Women who are merely stating biological fact, like only women have cervixes, only women menstruate, only women breast feed, get pregnant are subjected to rampant deplatforming?


Why are women’s concerns about safety and rights to public life at first dismissed, then silenced, ridiculed, and way too often physically attacked?


Simply by stating physical facts and asserting our rights to be comfortable and safe on social media, in public spaces, at events, and yes even in bathrooms, women are being targeted by a certain segment of the transgender domination community and their minions.


Assaults on women attempting to gather in public spaces and/or simply expressing ourselves on social media, abuse twitter, etc., allows, include things like name-calling, threats, and misogynist/racist hatred like:

“Suck my cock” “B-word” “N-word” “Fuck You” “Bigot” “Transphobe”

Doxing; Stalking; Threats of Rape & Death

Shut down; Censored; Silenced; Canceled


Resources: Youtube: You’re Kidding Right?

Side #2 first flyer

All things feminist


One of the basic, fundamental, rudimentary imperatives of feminism from the very beginning, pre-transagenda is “Change Society NOT Your Body


Why are we telling girls they have to see boys as girls or else there’s something wrong with her?


As a class, for centuries and still, women are viewed as sex objects for and by men along with our other intended ‘social role’ as baby maker.


All womyn around the world and in the u.s.ofa. are still subjected to female sex class oppression such as but not limited to: child marriage, genital mutilation, forced marriage, lack of access to birth control and abortion to control women’s sexuality), a pay gap, period shaming; body parts shaming, sex trafficking; targets of male violence and domination.


Allowing men into women’s spaces deeply misogynist and too often dangerous for women and girls and cost women access to education, scholarship, opportunities recently fought for and secured, in order to coddle the feelings of men

"If we don't fight together, they'll kill us separately".

Si No Luchamos Juntas, Nos Mataran Por Separado