Terf...and proud....truck!
I really question these folks why they aren’t content with painting their messages on their own vehicles instead of attempting to erase mine …. but we all know the answer to such a question.
Yesterday, I saw that some anti-radical womonist/feminist folks decided they were entitled to vandalizing the back of my RRB with what they, at least, consider a slur ... but I do not. I do consider labeling me by who I exclude in my life is a wrong (at best) characterization as I do not define myself by who I exclude from my party or missives, but by who I include.
Womyn, including lesbians, have NEVER had the right to define ourselves in this society. First a society that intensely embraces racism, sexism, heterosexism defined “women” including “lesbian” and built an effective box full of stereotypes, roles, rewards and punishments to ensure female (and male) compliance within that box.
Now, following the past few decades of womyn having the nerve to attempt to take the power to define ourselves, our roles, our positions in this patriarchal society, the trans-domination crew with the fervent support of our patriarchal society, has tasked itself with defining us with what they alone have the power to reorganize within that box.
I do know that “terf” used by these folks who embrace society’s racist, misogynist, heterosexist sex boxes, is meant not only as a slur but as an attempt to intimidate womyn into silence and compliance while attacking the womonist/femiinist fight establishing sovereign rights of womyn.
Womyn might be reeling under the backlash to our so very few recent feminist achievements, but transdom reached its peak a couple years ago and womyn are rising once again.